
About Lauren Bongiorno

Lauren Bongiorno is a yoga and boot camp instructor inspiring people to live a healthy and happy life! Lauren was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes when she was 7 years old and has proven that no matter what your challenge in life is, taking control of it starts from the inside out with a healthy mind and body. Through her blog, Lettuce Be Healthy and Happy, Lauren shares what she has learned through fitness, yoga, meditation, nutrition, and a vegetarian lifestyle with both diabetics and those looking to simply create healthier habits in their life! You can connect with Lauren on her website at lettucebehealthyandhappy.com and follow her Instagram and Facebook pages for daily inspiration.

Get Smart and Keep it Healthy at the Dining Hall

When I first started college, the hardest thing for me was not leaving my family, nor was it sleeping in a new room with random people I’ve never met before. Instead, it was transitioning from delicious home cooked meals to dining hall food! One minute I was eating fresh salads, an abundance of fruit, and [...]

Get Smart & Stay Healthy in College: Tips for Success!

Two words that you generally do not hear in the same sentence: healthy and college. Between the late night eating, partying, busy schedules, and dining hall fast food, let’s be honest, the words are practically complete opposites! About a month ago my sister called to tell me how hard it has been to stay healthy [...]

By |October 23rd, 2014|College Students, For Leaders & Mentors|0 Comments