
#NoFear14 A Get Smart Gal Takes on Fear: Part 2

.....well it's still 2014 and I am still kicking fear to the curb! Here are a few more ways I'm trying on! Get a hobby, girl. I was never really one for hobbies, but sometimes immersing yourself into a project can boost your confidence and take your mind off other things. Find something completely unrelated [...]

#NoFear14: A Get Smart Gal Takes Fear ON!: Part 1

If fear was not running the show in my life, I would feel empowered and confident. I would have 100 stamps on my passport! Continual self-doubts and low self-esteem can enable fear to enter and consume my daily life. Often times I can’t make decisions about which cereal I want to buy out of worry that [...]

#NOFEAR14: No Judgment

Looking back... For as long as I can remember, I’ve lived with the fear of judgment, or how others perceive me. Though I might not have ever outright asked others, “Am I good enough?” when I think about it, that defining question has been at the root of all my feelings and behaviors since my [...]