About Erin Garner
Erin Garner is a 20something grad student, worker, caregiver, traveler, eater, reader, late night paper writer, trail hiker and the worst flamenco dancer ever. Ever. But she tries. Live without boundaries and work for positive change—that’s her motto. And although it is not always easy to maintain big picture thoughts in a big world full of nonsense, she cannonballs into the crazy pool of life and takes in all the experiences she can handle. She wasn’t always this way. In college, she was generally nervous and painfully shy, a late bloomer of sorts. She panicked about her grades, her life, her future, and the mystery soup in the dining hall. She thought all her worries were over when she landed her dream job, but she was wrong. After a year of logging horror stories, listening to gossipy water cooler banter, and daydreaming in a cubicle, she had an epiphany. I can do better. And that’s what she has been doing ever since. Erin is ecstatic about interning with Get Smart Mentoring and can’t wait to share her insight and wacky experiences.