
Your Grades Aren’t You

 Do you consider the students with the highest grades to be the smartest in the class? Have you ever thought that they’d be so much more successful than you and everyone else with lower grades than them? Have you ever shown someone a poor grade that you got, and they made you feel unintelligent? A [...]

A Letter to My Future Daughter Re: College

My most precious blessing, My love, here it is. The time you’ve so anxiously been waiting for these last few years is now upon you. Your college experience is about to begin and I know just how excited you are. But first, let me give you some advice. Sleep: I know just how sociable you [...]

By |April 25th, 2016|College Students, For Teens|1 Comment

Turning the Negative into Positive

Divorce. What do you think of when you hear the word divorce? Maybe the word relates to your family, or a friend's family. Maybe it does not relate to you at all. People automatically think of divorce in a negative sense. A broken marriage, unnecessary fighting, loss of money, and upset children are just a [...]

Writing with Passion

During my past 14 years as a student, I have struggled with my writing. I would try with all my might to write these amazing papers, but I would never see the payoff with my grades. I was placed in the second-to-lowest English class from fourth through eighth grades. Writing and I had a love/hate [...]