
About Nicole Kloorfain

Nicole is a rising senior at the University of Maryland, College Park. She is studying to earn a double major in Communications and Family Science in order to make a difference in the world. She is excited to help empower women with confidence, happiness, success, and a healthy sense of self-worth. Nicole has always been passionate about living life to the fullest and making the world a better place and she is now fulfilling her life's ambition. Nicole became an intern for Get Smart fall of 2014 writing articles for the organization.Wanting to continue her journey with Get Smart, Nicole took on a new role as the Social Media Manager. She schedules and mandates posts on majority of the organization’s social media channels. She is thrilled to stay on and help the Get Smart team expand.

Writing with Passion

During my past 14 years as a student, I have struggled with my writing. I would try with all my might to write these amazing papers, but I would never see the payoff with my grades. I was placed in the second-to-lowest English class from fourth through eighth grades. Writing and I had a love/hate [...]

Get Smart with Nicole on #GivingTuesday

Thanksgiving is a day of unity; It brings people together. It is one of the only days of the year most Americans get the day off to celebrate one's gifts and that does not factor in religion. I say most because some are preparing for Black Friday and Cyber Monday, two days that offer the [...]

Life is not a Fairytale: Get Smart Now!

When I was younger, I would picture my future to parallel the Disney princesses’. I would meet my Prince Charming in a magical, romantic way and fall madly in love. We would live in a beautiful home surrounded by the classic white picket fence with a huge backyard for our kids and dogs to play. [...]

Stress Much? A Get Smart Gal’s Tips for LIVING!

My relationship with stress all began when I was 10 years old when I was leaving home for the first time to go to sleep away camp. Going to a new place alone and meeting new people was a terrifying idea, but little did I know that I would be lucky enough to make two [...]

Get Smart about…Wait. What Diet?!

How many times do you criticize yourself in a day? Be honest... we all do it.  If I had a dime for every time I heard, “Ugh, I should not have just eaten that”, “I am so fat,” or “I am so mad that I couldn’t get to the gym today,” I would be one [...]

Get Smart about Your Cinderella Status

"Do the dishes Cinderelly, vacuum the floor Cinderelly." Living in my own apartment has made me realize that I am Cinderella. All I do is cook and clean. Unlike my roommates, this is my first time living completely on my own. I have never had this much responsibility in my life. Did I ever think [...]