AlexaStauffer_picMy most precious blessing,

My love, here it is. The time you’ve so anxiously been waiting for these last few years is now upon you. Your college experience is about to begin and I know just how excited you are. But first, let me give you some advice.

  1. Sleep: I know just how sociable you are. You get it from me. I know you want to know everyone and everything. You want to make as many connections and friendships as you can. You’re a social butterfly and you have such a caring heart, but don’t forget that sleep is so crucial for your body and your health. Your friends and future friends will be there in the morning. There are twenty-four full hours in a day. Do your best to spend at least six of them sleeping. Or make sure you have time to schedule in a nap. Just sleep, okay?
  1. Don’t trust just anyone: You’re at a very vulnerable time in your life. You’re about to leave everyone you have known for twelve years or more and it’s going to be hard to build trust with these new individuals. You’re not going to be best friends with the girls you meet on the first day. You’re not going to marry the boy who asks you on a date during the second week of school. People are going to hurt you. They’re going to try and take parts of you that belong to you and they’re going to try to manipulate you, but you are stronger than them. You have strong morals and character. You have a beautiful heart and a wise mind. Use your intuition wisely.
  1. Processed with VSCO with f2 presetStudy: College is hard. It isn’t cut out for the weak. You’re going to realize that the paper you wrote in high school, the night before it was due where you earned a 93%, will get you a 47% and a “Check my office hours for an appointment,” note in college. You’re strong, though. All-nighters are going to happen, but you’ll find you’re not the only one. Your other all-nighter comrades will make adventures for coffee, snacks and you all will study the night away. DON’T make a habit of this! This is only for special, stress induced occasions. Really, make sure you study. You’re paying A LOT of money to not use that crazy intelligent brain of yours.
  1. Call your mom: That’s right. Your mom wants to hear from you. Call your grandma while you’re at it, too. My grandma didn’t hear enough from me when I was in school. I’m worrying about you. I know you’re off on your own, learning and growing, experimenting and doing God knows what, but I miss your presence and your voice. Call me and tell me about your day. Grandma especially wants to hear your silly nothing stories. It lets your grandparents know their prayers are being heard and are appreciated. My dear child, just know I’m missing you more than you’re missing me.
  1. Stand firm in your faith: Find a church you love with a pastor you enjoy listening to. Talk to others about their religions or lack there of. Listen intently and ask questions. Learn from this and build relationships. Be open to others’ views and let them challenge you. Attend church regularly and read some devotionals. Join a bible study and begin to build great relationships! The best friendships are built with firm foundations. And there’s no better cement in that foundation than that of our Lord.
  1. Stop. Especially at the signs: Always drive safely. Stop at stop signs and watch for others that don’t. You don’t want a date to be ruined because of an accident. Speaking of dates, don’t you ever do something that makes you feel unsure. Heed this stop sign, too. If someone is pressuring you into a decision with which you aren’t comfortable, get out of the situation. No one will ever disrespect you for sticking to your morals. If you lose friendships because of this, they weren’t friends worth having. Don’t let a boy pressure you into anything you don’t want. Your body is YOURS. It’s not a democracy. It’s an empire and you’re the dictator. You are in control. You are precious and loved! I hope you never find yourself seeking comfort and love from physical interactions with boys who don’t value you, your mind, and your heart. The signs are there for a reason; pay attention.
  1. Love Yourself: I know this is a very exciting time for you, however, it’s going to be difficult as well. You’re going to face situations, heartbreaks, hurts, and more. I wish you didn’t have to and that I could protect you, but you won’t become a better person if you don’t face these. You are so special, my love. You are so valued and precious. I know how much you want to take care of everyone; it’s in your nature to care for others. Just don’t forget to ask for what you need. Don’t forget to love yourself.

PurposeMomYour world is about to be shaken off of its axis. You’re going to learn so many new things. Things I can’t wait for you to tell me about and things that you probably don’t need to share with your father and I. But in this time, you’re going to grow and learn about yourself. What I want most for you is to be cautiously vulnerable and love yourself. I want you to recognize your beauty, your self-worth, your compassionate, loving heart, and all the amazing things you are. You have a purpose in this world and it’s now that you learn what it is, create what it is, or decide what it is. You’re going to do marvelous things, love. Now enjoy this adventure. It only lasts four years (our wallets hope).


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