
5 Tips on Dressing for Success on Interviews

As a college student, one of the most important parts of your college career is getting an internship. It will prepare you for post-grad life and tell you exactly what you are interested in. They’re a chance for you to try all different fields in relation to what you’re studying. After you apply to the [...]

Get Smart: How to Kill a Job Interview

So graduation is a mere few months away. You’re suddenly realizing that you need to land that job that will pay rent, considering your parents will be cutting you off the minute your hand grabs that diploma. In order to get that job, you need to go through at least two or three interviews. Here [...]

How to Dress to Impress for a Job Interview

A first impression is the last impression. It is instant and takes a few seconds for a complete stranger to formulate a positive or negative opinion of you based solely on your appearance. People don’t necessarily notice when you’re well put together, but they definitely notice when you’re not. If you’re a movie buff like [...]