
Rejected? Get Smart about “NO!”

"No" The word "no" is probably one of the most dreaded words that a person can ever hear. Just that one word is enough to make your heart sink . It's enough to shatter your dreams to pieces. It's enough to ruin all your plans. You might hear "no" in a lot of situations in [...]

Get Smart about Getting Involved on Campus

I believe that we all should take full advantage of all activities our colleges and universities have to offer. Beginning college gives you a fresh start. There are endless opportunities to find places you can fit into. Extracurricular activities are great to use as an escape from the piles of homework that may be collecting [...]

By |October 23rd, 2014|College Students, For Leaders & Mentors|0 Comments

Get Smart about Your College Major!

For those high school seniors out there, it’s nearing that time for college applications. So what are you going to major in? It’s a common question that seniors hear a million times. Deciding on a major is really the first big decision you have to make in your academic career, and it’s not a walk [...]

By |September 26th, 2014|College Students, For Leaders & Mentors, For Teens|0 Comments

Get Smart About Social Media Use

As a young woman in today’s society, I have faced the harsh truth that my social media use may be a little too social, if you get what I mean. I know I am not alone and, in fact, I know that almost everyone I know is guilty of this as well. But with the [...]

Getting Smart about What I’ve Learned So Far (Part I)

As we grow older, we have a way of becoming busier. This is just the natural way of life. We have more ideas, more goals and more people with which to spend time. Along with growing older and wiser, we also have a way of forgetting some of the most important things in life. Now [...]

Get Smart about Choosing the Right Major

In the midst of college applications, standardized testing and finishing high school, numerous people used to nag me with questions like “Have you picked a major for college?” and “What do you want to do for the rest of your life?” It seemed overwhelming...making a life-changing decision at such a young age.  I felt lost [...]

Get Smart about the 9-5 Grind

I recently started what I like to call my first real, big person job. You know, the 9-5, dealing with co-workers, bosses and paychecks. The stuff that sitcoms and endless dinner table conversations are made of. But I have to admit, my job isn’t a typical one. I’m a summer research student, which means I’m [...]