
Studying Made Easier!

  This will not be an explanation of how mathematical foiling is helpful in real life situations but how studying can be made simple and how it starts with YOU!   Tip #1: Sticky notes and index cards. These are my lifesavers. Add sticky notes in your textbook where important key points are made and sections where [...]

The Key to Unlocking Your Intelligence

Intelligence… Some of us college students think of it as our G.P.A. Some think of it as thinking smarter not harder. And some think it’s remembering all of the facts you have ever learned… All of these thoughts from others intelligence have a similarities. These tips are what really build intelligence: Read—I don't mean just [...]

A Time at Ashton Woods is a Time Well Spent

Imagine yourself pulling into a degraded, run down apartment complex in the outskirts of Greensboro, North Carolina. The buildings’ brown paint is chipping away, and the ambiance is mellow. You roll over a few speed bumps, weaving around the complex, exposing yourself to the folks that live there, most of whom do not have a [...]

Get Smart Lessons Learned

I learned numerous lessons this summer during my time with Get Smart, and I want to share them with you! I DO Matter: When I first started interning with Get Smart, I didn’t think I had very much valuable advice or words of wisdom that people would want to hear about. But I quickly realized [...]