
Get Smart and Go the Distance – Part I

What is both the best, and worst thing? Change. It means things will be different. You will be different. People will be different, and want to try different things and new experiences in new places. Whether this means moving to a different state, or country, the idea of being separated from your loved ones is [...]

Get Smart about Being Unapologetically YOU

  It’s easy to get wrapped up in things going on around you and to lose a sense of yourself. There were times growing up when I would go along with something my friends were doing, even if I didn’t necessarily agree with it. There were times I took up a new hobby because that’s [...]

Do I Have to Grow Up?

I’ve spent the last few months thinking about adulthood and growing up. Not about growing older because, let’s face it, time is something we can’t freeze or put a “pause” and “resume” button on. The actual act of growing up, being an adult and making mature decisions -- how do you know you’re ready to [...]