
A Letter to My Future Daughter Re: College

My most precious blessing, My love, here it is. The time you’ve so anxiously been waiting for these last few years is now upon you. Your college experience is about to begin and I know just how excited you are. But first, let me give you some advice. Sleep: I know just how sociable you [...]

By |April 25th, 2016|College Students, For Teens|1 Comment

Get Smart and Stay You

“Today you are You, that is truer than true, There is no one alive who is Youer than You” – Dr. Seuss Seuss is right you know. Let’s take a moment to let that astounding thought resonate. Of the seven billion-some people on our lovely planet, each and every individual has their own parcel of [...]

Get Smart & Learn to be Different

Growing up, I questioned my "stupidity." I felt dumb and embarrassed. I couldn’t understand why I was still reading through the instructions when my classmates were already halfway done with the actual assignment. I couldn’t fathom why my classmates would voluntarily read out loud in front of the class at times when it wasn’t even [...]

Five Times Demi Lovato Taught us How to be Strong

Demi Lovato shows strength and confidence in much of what she does. As females of all ages, we can definitely learn a few lessons from her self-confidence, self-love and inner strength. Here are five times Demi Lovato has taught us about these all-too-important qualities:  When she released the newest girl power anthem: Demi Lovato’s newest [...]

Get Smart About Partying: 5 Tips for Party Safety

The holidays are coming up, which means teens and college students will probably be attending a few parties. Whether it’s a big dinner with friends or a Christmas bash, being safe and comfortable during celebrations is crucial. These are five things you can do to ensure party safety while still having a ton of fun: [...]

By |September 13th, 2015|College Students, For Teens|0 Comments

Rejected? Get Smart about “NO!”

"No" The word "no" is probably one of the most dreaded words that a person can ever hear. Just that one word is enough to make your heart sink . It's enough to shatter your dreams to pieces. It's enough to ruin all your plans. You might hear "no" in a lot of situations in [...]