
Feel your Feelings

When we are feeling painful or uncomfortable emotions, the last thing we tend to want to do is to confront them. We want to run away from them, find distractions, bury them deep down until they "go away." Enduring our emotions is tough, yet it is freeing. Your emotional responses to situations do not leave [...]

Adding Purpose to Unexpected Changes

Sometimes things happen that we don’t plan for. It’s inevitable that (no matter who you are) at one point or another, there will be unpredictable turns of events – good or bad – that can make you reshape your perspectives or values. You might face moments that take up time in your day, space in [...]

The Attitude of Healthy Changes

When starting college, there’s always a plethora of stereotypical stories we hear about the excitement that is freshman year. Before you know it, you’re in a new world full of changes; new people from different walks of life, rush week, events from clubs of all kinds, parties, sports, campus-life, and of course, keeping up your [...]

Get Smart about Being Unapologetically YOU

  It’s easy to get wrapped up in things going on around you and to lose a sense of yourself. There were times growing up when I would go along with something my friends were doing, even if I didn’t necessarily agree with it. There were times I took up a new hobby because that’s [...]

5 Ways to FIX Sundays

In college, I would wake up on Sunday mornings and think, “Oh noooo! The beautiful, blissful weekend is gone! UGH!” Dreading the homework I had been putting off since Friday, the mound of laundry needing to be washed, the bedroom that was aching to be cleaned, and all of the emails awaiting me in my inbox, I [...]

Eating After Your Eating Disorder

When I was in college (British college, that is—Americans, you'd call it your junior and senior years of high school), I started vomiting from stress. For a few months, I would regularly have to run out of my classes and exams, be sent home early, and take mildly effective anti-nausea tablets. I was very lucky. [...]

Get Smart and Keep it Healthy at the Dining Hall

When I first started college, the hardest thing for me was not leaving my family, nor was it sleeping in a new room with random people I’ve never met before. Instead, it was transitioning from delicious home cooked meals to dining hall food! One minute I was eating fresh salads, an abundance of fruit, and [...]

Be True to Yourself: Get Smart Now

I never felt like I was true to myself growing up. I lived to please, and let others make my decisions. Like a puppet, people controlled my strings, and all the while, I struggled to figure out who I was supposed to be. I was not my own person. I was molded into the different [...]

Get Smart about Anxiety: Let’s Do This Together

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle - Plato This is the fourth time I’ve sat down in an attempt to write this blog. I’ve stared at my computer sipping numerous cups of coffee, typed a few sentences, deleted those sentences, and tried again. I find it hard to talk about [...]