
A Letter to My Future Daughter Re: College

My most precious blessing, My love, here it is. The time you’ve so anxiously been waiting for these last few years is now upon you. Your college experience is about to begin and I know just how excited you are. But first, let me give you some advice. Sleep: I know just how sociable you [...]

By |April 25th, 2016|College Students, For Teens|1 Comment

Numbers, French, and Air

It’s the time of the year for low productivity and minimal motivation. Whether it’s a rut in the semester or a case of Garfield’s Mondays, nothing is being done. Or worse, nothing is being done well. I can’t speak for everyone, but I, for one, do not feel awesome if I am constantly brain farting. [...]

Finals Frenzy

Finals week haunts every student's mind, especially as it comes closer. Once May hits, so does all of the work, and end-of-year parties or events. There is usually a lot of school work that students push off while looking forward to formals, proms, and vacation. By putting off all the work, students can become more [...]

By |April 20th, 2015|College Students|0 Comments

Should You Be Thinking About a Gap Year?

Gap years: an enriching way to open your mind, or a hedonistic way to waste your time and money? Their divided reputation makes deciding whether to take one a difficult decision. The truth is that a gap year can be either of these stereotypes. Which one it ends up being depends on you. There are [...]

8 Survival Secrets for College Freshman

  Transitioning from high school to college may be a dramatic change for those who are leaving home. The combination of a new school, different people, and the new-found freedom can be a bit overwhelming at times. Here are a few tips to help you survive freshman year: 1. The friends you make freshman year [...]

By |November 25th, 2014|College Students, For Teens|0 Comments