SDawidowiczPicFinals week haunts every student’s mind, especially as it comes closer. Once May hits, so does all of the work, and end-of-year parties or events. There is usually a lot of school work that students push off while looking forward to formals, proms, and vacation. By putting off all the work, students can become more stressed as due dates for assignments near.

However, every student knows that once finals are over, then it is time to enjoy summer vacation. Vacation and time to relax is always what motivates me to get everything done in a timely manner. My cousins and I always start a countdown to our annual trip to the lake house, and all my friends count down to similar trips, or going to camp, or their summer jobs. Students think of any activity that does not involve sitting in a desk and being forced to pay attention for a certain period of time. However, finals are an important stepping stone in life and below are some tips for survival.

Ten Tips for Surviving Finals

1. Make a list of everything that has to be done.

2. Make a study guide based off of what will be on the exam.

3. Study past quizzes and tests; sometimes teachers put the same (or similar) questions on the final exam.

4. Study with friends; more people studying the same information may help!

5. If you don’t understand something, ask the teacher for help sooner rather than later.

6. Go to a study lounge or the library so there can be minimal distractions

7. When taking the exam, read the questions carefully and look for key terms or words.

8. Do NOT cram for finals; study a little bit each day.

9. A good night’s sleep and food can also help as well. Try to stay away from the junk food as tempting as it may seem. Healthy food will make for a healthier, more energized self.

10. Don’t stress about the grade before you even take the test. It can make you more nervous.

Stress conceptAfter a long study session, take a break and do something you enjoy, and I don’t mean going to a party and staying out all night! Stay in and watch your favorite movie, or television show. Finals are just another one of many tests students take while they’re in school. Other tests students stress over are the SATs, ACTs, your driving test, and state tests. However as a college student, some other “tests” may involve managing money, living with roommates, doing your own laundry, and cooking. The tests we take in school give us the ability to succeed in tasks on our own.

Good luck and may the curve be ever in your favor!

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