
Be your own you

As we look deep within ourselves, we realize that we are so influenced by the world around us. The clothes we wear, our hairstyles, our attitudes and mannerisms are all built from some sort of foundation. However, the build up from that foundation does not have to be identical to those who surround us. What [...]

Shine Your Brightest Light

Recognizing that you have talents and abilities is immensely important to surpass your perceived potential. Focusing on your gifts, and realizing that you can do anything you put your mind to, has incredible outcomes and fuels great achievements. So many people are extremely critical of themselves, and to such an extent that oftentimes they may [...]

Being Confident in Your Four Year Fit

The college process is a huge step in a young adult’s life. There is uncertainty about career paths, where you want to live or commute to for the next four years and how to fit into the university community. With over 2,400 four year institutions in the United States alone, there are endless options for [...]

Get Smart and Stay You

“Today you are You, that is truer than true, There is no one alive who is Youer than You” – Dr. Seuss Seuss is right you know. Let’s take a moment to let that astounding thought resonate. Of the seven billion-some people on our lovely planet, each and every individual has their own parcel of [...]

Get Smart: How to Kill a Job Interview

So graduation is a mere few months away. You’re suddenly realizing that you need to land that job that will pay rent, considering your parents will be cutting you off the minute your hand grabs that diploma. In order to get that job, you need to go through at least two or three interviews. Here [...]

Get Smart about Being Unapologetically YOU

  It’s easy to get wrapped up in things going on around you and to lose a sense of yourself. There were times growing up when I would go along with something my friends were doing, even if I didn’t necessarily agree with it. There were times I took up a new hobby because that’s [...]