
Stress Much? A Get Smart Gal’s Tips for LIVING!

My relationship with stress all began when I was 10 years old when I was leaving home for the first time to go to sleep away camp. Going to a new place alone and meeting new people was a terrifying idea, but little did I know that I would be lucky enough to make two [...]

A Get Smart Pep Talk for the Solo Traveler

So your friends are planning yet another trip to Las Vegas or some other party destination...but you’d rather have an adventure. You dream of going on safari in Tanzania, backpacking through Slovenia, or road tripping Route 66.  Let’s face it—a pub crawl is never going satisfy your craving for new and exciting experiences. You have [...]

Chase Change: Get Smart & Grow!

 “So fill up your lungs and just run, but always be chasing the sun." - Sara Barielles If you are like me, the thought of seeing the world, moving some place new, experiencing life in a completely new environment and soaking up the sun somewhere amazing (like Southern California) is spellbinding. The idea of a [...]