So fill up your lungs and just run, but always be chasing the sun.”

– Sara Barielles

Decision Choose Change or  Same Old Street

If you are like me, the thought of seeing the world, moving some place new, experiencing life in a completely new environment and soaking up the sun somewhere amazing (like Southern California) is spellbinding. The idea of a sun that always shines, a constant ocean breeze and having my toes in the sand every day sounds absolutely perfect. So, when I was offered a summer internship in Los Angeles, California, I accepted without hesitation.

I anticipated my moving day, May 31st, like a little kid waiting for Christmas morning. I counted down the days and saved my money (only splurging on the essentials like flip flops and shorts) in preparation for my dream summer in SoCal. But, as the days drew closer, I began feeling anxious and uneasy. Coupled with some very intense hours at my internship and graduate school finals, the idea of moving to California for the summer all of a sudden felt very overwhelming.

Gray Skies Ahead

I tried to take a step back and get to the root of my anxiety about moving; I quickly recalled two very important times in my life: when I left home for college and when I graduated from college. The overwhelming, uneasy and anxious feelings became familiar, as I remembered that I had felt these things before.

In addition to being a dreamer, I am also a creature of habit and a person who loves her friends and family. Leaving behind my hometown and moving away from my family to go to college was hard. But after four years at school, leaving the place that once felt unfamiliar and daunting was just as difficult as leaving home. I had made friends, met mentors and had unforgettable experiences that I collected during my time there. I think back to the moments that I wanted to throw in the towel and go home, and I just laugh at myself. Some of my most cherished memories were made in college. Had I given up, my beautiful and wonderful life that is full of exceptional individuals and amazing experiences would be so completely different.

I am the author of this story…


Change can be fun but it is certainly not easy. Change challenges you to take charge of your own life and write your own story. It challenges you to grow and adapt. But change can also knock you off your feet. The ability to overcome these challenges, and not be defeated, is rooted in your drive to live the life you’ve always imagined.

It is hard to recognize that life and emotions will never be as simple or as completely blissful as they once were when you were a child on Christmas morning. It takes some maturity to finally admit, but realizing that there is beauty in the mix of emotions gives you power. It gives you the power to write your own story and take total control of the situations at hand.

So, go ahead! Choose your dream college or move across the country for a little while. Heck, move across the world if you think that would be cool. Challenge yourself, but don’t just accept the challenge…conquer it!

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