
A Letter to My Mom

Dear Mom, Mother’s Day is coming up and I can’t help but to think about how much I love you, not only on that day, but also on every other day of the year. Your selflessness has never failed to get me through anything and everything and, for that, I can’t thank you enough. Thank [...]

A Rebel Against Society

Since coming to college, I’ve made many new friends. With these friendships comes all of the “get to know each other” questions. Examples of a few I’ve received the most often are: Where are you from? What’s your major? How many siblings do you have? What did you do in high school? What are your [...]

Valentine’s Day Love

I remember Valentine’s Day in elementary school. You would spend the entire week getting ready for the class party. You were challenged to make the coolest themed mailbox, pick the favorite treat, and have the trendiest valentines. I remember studying each card that came in the package making sure I didn’t give flirty ones to [...]

5 Tips from an Experienced Complainer

Go ahead, let it out… For some reason I find something very soothing about venting. There seems to be no easier way for me to release all of my stress and tension then to complain about it to my friends.  Sometimes a hearty rant can solve all of my problems. But are there guidelines to [...]

Are You Lonely? That’s Okay.

It's 11 a.m. on Saturday morning and you don't have anything to do. You've read three novels this week, watched all your favorite TV shows, and exhausted your go-to websites. You’ve already exercised. Your room is spotless. What you want is someone to hang out with, but there's no one. Your alone time has crossed [...]

3 Reasons Finding a Mentor Will Rock Your Career

If you’re anything like me and you skipped the corporate office internships in college, your first job out of college can be a huge adjustment. First career-level jobs are never easy, but there has to be a first if there’s to be a second. As you get settled in with your very own workspace and phone [...]

By |February 8th, 2015|For Young Adult Women|0 Comments

Get Smart about Maintaining Healthy Relationships

Whether they’re your parents, significant others, the first friends you made in kindergarten or the ones you just met in class this semester, the relationships you keep effect you more than you think. We’ve all experienced the stress caused by a toxic friend, or as I like to call them, the “frenemies.” Do you remember [...]