
The Value of Understanding

Understanding ourselves isn’t just about defining a lengthy paragraph from a college textbook, it’s understanding our beliefs, morals and what makes us happy. When we have knowledge of who we are as people, we can begin to figure out where we belong, what we want to do for a career, and explore our different interests. [...]

Perfect Not Perfect

  There is a notion that everyone everywhere has to be perfect with their actions, and the way they deal with everything emotionally and physically. For instance, being a woman, I am expected to make a “perfect” meal and dress up with my hair not frizzy and out--it's natural texture. In comparison, guys are told they [...]

Dealing With Trauma From Rejection

  We have all experienced a significant rejection or failure that has led us to doubting our own abilities or potential. How we deal with such adversities is what helps us reverse their negative impacts and find ways to grow. Rejection comes in multiple forms and interpretations, and regardless of the supposed degree of importance, [...]

The Key to Unlocking Your Intelligence

Intelligence… Some of us college students think of it as our G.P.A. Some think of it as thinking smarter not harder. And some think it’s remembering all of the facts you have ever learned… All of these thoughts from others intelligence have a similarities. These tips are what really build intelligence: Read—I don't mean just [...]

On Loving Yourself

In today’s media, people are constantly being barraged by various messages and images pertaining to the ‘perfect body,’ ‘summer body,’ ‘confidence weight,’ ‘the beautiful body type’ and countless other descriptions of the ‘ideal’ hairstyle, makeup, weight, height, skin color, eye color, face shape, curve proportion, clothing style and other methods of expression. Messages of ‘not good [...]

Your Grades Aren’t You

 Do you consider the students with the highest grades to be the smartest in the class? Have you ever thought that they’d be so much more successful than you and everyone else with lower grades than them? Have you ever shown someone a poor grade that you got, and they made you feel unintelligent? A [...]

Get Smart and Stay You

“Today you are You, that is truer than true, There is no one alive who is Youer than You” – Dr. Seuss Seuss is right you know. Let’s take a moment to let that astounding thought resonate. Of the seven billion-some people on our lovely planet, each and every individual has their own parcel of [...]

Get Smart & Learn to be Different

Growing up, I questioned my "stupidity." I felt dumb and embarrassed. I couldn’t understand why I was still reading through the instructions when my classmates were already halfway done with the actual assignment. I couldn’t fathom why my classmates would voluntarily read out loud in front of the class at times when it wasn’t even [...]

Less Comparison, More Compassion

Have you ever felt great about a skill, only to have it downplayed by someone who you perceived as doing it better than you? Felt inadequate because a classmate or a coworker would always outshine you? The tendency to compare ourselves to others is completely human. Looking at life through a lens of comparison is [...]

Take the Giving Tuesday Challenge with Jenna

You’ve given thanks on Thanksgiving and shopped ’til you dropped on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but have you participated in Giving Tuesday? I haven’t yet, but I certainly will this December 1. In its fourth official year, Giving Tuesday encourages people to give back in some way, whether it is money or service, to a nonprofit or other [...]