You’ve given thanks on Thanksgiving and shopped ’til you dropped on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but have you participated in Giving Tuesday? I haven’t yet, but I certainly will this December 1. In its fourth official year, Giving Tuesday encourages people to give back in some way, whether it is money or service, to a nonprofit or other organization. This Giving Tuesday, I hope you’ll join me in supporting an organization that is very important to me: Get Smart Mentoring.
Mentoring is a big part of my life. I am lucky to say that I have had several important mentors throughout my life, namely my three parents – my mom, dad, and stepmom. Their cohesive communication and my individual relationships with all three of them helped me to thrive in a unique and fulfilling family dynamic. Their influence on my growth over the course of my life has encouraged me to find avenues through which I too can give back, particularly through mentoring.
Take the Challenge
This Thanksgiving season, I invite you to take the Get Smart Giving Tuesday $10 Challenge. Get Smart Mentoring is a nonprofit organization based in New Jersey, and although I have only been involved with this organization for a short time, I can already attest to the impact it has had on my life and the lives of others. This program gives girls the chance to use their voice, interact with their peers, and discuss problems in their lives. There isn’t a published handbook to being a girl, but Get Smart Mentoring comes pretty close: we strive to produce inclusive, relevant material from which a variety of age groups can benefit, as well as sponsor in-school programs to support self-esteem and relationship building.
My Get Smart Experience
Get Smart Mentoring, for me, is a virtual opportunity through which I am able to write articles and interact with other women my age to discuss today’s issues. Unlike any mentoring experience I have had, I am grateful to see different facets of mentoring, from blogging to having a virtual mentor of my own in New Jersey.
I’m extremely thankful for the opportunity to work and grow with Get Smart Mentoring. This Thanksgiving season, I invite you to join me in giving back to this growing organization. With your help, we can continue to fund programs that reach over 1000 girls (and counting!) each year. Although I encourage you to partake in the $10 challenge, any amount of your choosing will benefit Get Smart Mentoring. Thank you!
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