
9 Ways to Get Through a Rough Patch

Feeling down, sad, despondent, gloomy, depressed, stressed, worried, not coping, struggling, miserable, lethargic, dejected, in low spirits, glum, going through a rough patch. English has so many words for being unhappy. It’s not surprising, given how terrible sadness can be—especially over a sustained period of time. We often downplay it, believing that acknowledging it betrays [...]

Are you “Happy, Free, Confused, and Lonely at the Same Time”?

I’ve read a few things recently that affirm I am not the only one feeling like, “Geeze, Louise! Being a young 20-something is kind of hard!” On top of figuring out how I am going to pay rent next month, while still attempting to have some sort of fashion sense and have fun…oh, and eat, [...]

Five Ways to Cure Wanderlust

You’re sitting in your room on the weekend, scrolling through Instagram photos to see the most beautiful places. Your feed is full of walks through Central Park, croissants in European coffee shops, and bright days on the beach. It seems like everyone is out exploring the world…except you. Maybe you don’t have the time or [...]

Are You Lonely? That’s Okay.

It's 11 a.m. on Saturday morning and you don't have anything to do. You've read three novels this week, watched all your favorite TV shows, and exhausted your go-to websites. You’ve already exercised. Your room is spotless. What you want is someone to hang out with, but there's no one. Your alone time has crossed [...]

Transfer Troubles and Tips

Changing schools isn’t easy, no matter the circumstances or situation.  Some students transfer due to the environment of the school, the need to be closer to home, sports teams, or their school may not have a major or minor they’d like to explore. As for myself, due to health circumstances, I had to transfer from [...]

By |March 2nd, 2015|College Students|0 Comments

FOMO: A Social Anxiety Disorder of the 21st Century

FOMO (foe-mow) noun, slang. a feeling of anxiety or insecurity over the possibility of missing out on something, as an event or an opportunity Whether you admit it or not, we all compare our lives (the good, the bad, the ugly) to others', constantly wondering if we could do more or if we are missing [...]

How To: Maintain a Healthy Relationship in College

Maintaining a relationship in college can seem like a struggle when you’re doing school work, working a job, and getting involved with extracurriculars. Relationships happen when you least expect them! Attending a talk on campus or taking part in a community service day can help you meet somewhere outside of your usual circle. I have [...]

By |February 8th, 2015|College Students, uncategorized|0 Comments

Scared of Feminism? Get Smart Now!

“17.7 million American women have been the victim of attempted or completed rape in her lifetime.” ~ RAINN Women in Iran are protesting after eight women have had acid poured on them by men who did not see their wardrobe fit. ~ Washington Post White American women make on average 77 cents to every dollar [...]

Get Smart about The Social Media SCROLL!

Have you ever had one of those bad days, and when you open Facebook, it just gets worse? Maybe you just received a test grade and it disappointed you even after all those hard all-nighters. Or maybe you got rejected from your first choice college. Perhaps you had a hard time with one of your [...]

Get Smart About Social Media Use

As a young woman in today’s society, I have faced the harsh truth that my social media use may be a little too social, if you get what I mean. I know I am not alone and, in fact, I know that almost everyone I know is guilty of this as well. But with the [...]