
The Power of Forgiveness

This past Thursday I went to a lecture put on by my university with guest speaker Immaculee Ilibagizia. Immaculee was a college student when the Rwandan genocide started in her home country. She sought out shelter by hiding in a 4x3 bathroom, of a Hutu pastor in her village, with seven other women. During the [...]

Finals Frenzy

Finals week haunts every student's mind, especially as it comes closer. Once May hits, so does all of the work, and end-of-year parties or events. There is usually a lot of school work that students push off while looking forward to formals, proms, and vacation. By putting off all the work, students can become more [...]

By |April 20th, 2015|College Students|0 Comments

Should You Be Thinking About a Gap Year?

Gap years: an enriching way to open your mind, or a hedonistic way to waste your time and money? Their divided reputation makes deciding whether to take one a difficult decision. The truth is that a gap year can be either of these stereotypes. Which one it ends up being depends on you. There are [...]

How I THRIVED technology-free for a week

One of my favorite quotes is by Jack Kerouac and it often finds its way onto my motivational quotes board on Pinterest: “Live, travel, adventure, bless and don’t be sorry.” This past summer I decided to take on this quote and find its meaning via a summer job. I wanted to find a job that [...]

By |March 29th, 2015|For Young Adult Women|0 Comments

Three Easy Steps to Staying Positive in Your 20’s

Being a young adult is hard and that is no exaggeration. There’s so much pressure to follow societal norms but to also be unique butterflies. We need to get our act together and somehow become self-actualized human beings. The struggle to find time to love ourselves and be meaningful in our actions is difficult when [...]

By |March 23rd, 2015|College Students, For Young Adult Women|0 Comments

Power Tools, Scaffolding, and Service: Making the Most of your Spring Break

Spring break has gotten a bad reputation of college-aged kids going south for warmer climates and heavy partying. This past spring break, I decided to partake in a different type of spring break tradition that people sometimes forget about: service trips. I spent my break working with my campus chapter of Habitat for Humanity in Atlanta, Georgia. Habitat [...]

Transfer Troubles and Tips

Changing schools isn’t easy, no matter the circumstances or situation.  Some students transfer due to the environment of the school, the need to be closer to home, sports teams, or their school may not have a major or minor they’d like to explore. As for myself, due to health circumstances, I had to transfer from [...]

By |March 2nd, 2015|College Students|0 Comments

Take a Stand Against Sexual Assault

With the release of “50 Shades of Grey,” a lot of people have been talking about sexual assault and domestic violence. I was recently out one weekend and noticed that a freshman girl (whom I had never met before) was clearly incoherent. She was being taken advantage of by a guy, while other guys were [...]

Get Smart and Get on LinkedIn!

There’s a common saying that I have heard a lot through my years at college: “It’s not what you know but who you know.” While it’s important to learn about your field, it is also very important to get connected with people in your field and people outside of your field. Creating a LinkedIn account [...]

The Seven Best Things about Greek Life

After a long recruitment weekend, I began thinking about my life before Greek Life.  Everyone sees Greek Life as a group of girls and guys who party and have crazy themes.  Or they see it as it is viewed in movies such as Legally Blonde, Sorority Row or The House Bunny. As Green Day says, [...]

By |February 16th, 2015|College Students|0 Comments