
A Get Smart Girl’s Summer in Cali – Part I

I remember being told that I should apply for a summer internship. “It will be good for your resume.” “You can explore other areas of student affairs.” “It will make you more marketable in the job search.” All of that sounded convincing enough to me. And besides, it’s not like I had anything else to [...]

A Get Smart College Journey: Preparing Mentally & Spiritually for CHANGE!

As some of you may know come this fall I will start my journey as a New York City college student! Currently I am going through the process of mentally preparing for this big change in my life. I'm trying my best to not allow my anxiety to take over my college experience. There are [...]

Lessons Your Best Friends Teach You – Get Smart!

After transferring from Coastal Carolina University to Ramapo College of New Jersey, where I presently attend, I now know a thing or two about best friends in college. Most of us have best friends from childhood, so being conscious of the close connections I’m making in college has allowed me to learn a few lessons. [...]

Get Smart about Choosing the Right Major

In the midst of college applications, standardized testing and finishing high school, numerous people used to nag me with questions like “Have you picked a major for college?” and “What do you want to do for the rest of your life?” It seemed overwhelming...making a life-changing decision at such a young age.  I felt lost [...]

Don’t Settle: Get Smart about Entering the Work Force After College

After graduating college just a few weeks ago, I immediately entered the pool of “I will take any job that hires me.” My first bite was with a legal services company offering me my very own cubicle space! When people asked me about the position and what exactly I would be doing, I sort of [...]

Get Smart and Get Your Parents On Board

Once I left home for college I thought, “Wow - This is great! I can get Starbucks as many times a week as I want, I can binge eat Ben & Jerry’s out of the carton, and no one can stop me!” Yes, it did seem great for the first few weeks, until I realized [...]

By |June 18th, 2014|College Students, For Leaders & Mentors|0 Comments

Chase Change: Get Smart & Grow!

 “So fill up your lungs and just run, but always be chasing the sun." - Sara Barielles If you are like me, the thought of seeing the world, moving some place new, experiencing life in a completely new environment and soaking up the sun somewhere amazing (like Southern California) is spellbinding. The idea of a [...]

Get Smart about the RIGHT COLLEGE for YOU!

“I do not want to get out of the car!”  I said to my mother after driving over an hour to visit the college that seemingly had everything I wanted. It offered a program I wanted to pursue, was the perfect distance from home, had a great surrounding town and more. But once I got [...]

By |June 9th, 2014|College Students, For Teens, uncategorized|0 Comments

A Case for the All-Women College Experience

“Our experiences influence the person we become.” What – NO GUYS? When the time came to reveal to my friends that I would be attending a small, private, Catholic women’s university, many of them made fun of me. They were confused as to why I wouldn’t want to experience the “traditional” college experience. My friends [...]