
Get Smart: You are More than Your Weaknesses (and Strengths)

We are constantly told that we should emphasize and work with our strengths. With the same intent, we are also told that we should accept our limits and work within those limitations. We live in a world that is conceptualized and limited by our thoughts and perceptions. Of course, it is great to recognize and [...]

Get Smart & Learn to be Different

Growing up, I questioned my "stupidity." I felt dumb and embarrassed. I couldn’t understand why I was still reading through the instructions when my classmates were already halfway done with the actual assignment. I couldn’t fathom why my classmates would voluntarily read out loud in front of the class at times when it wasn’t even [...]

Law of Opposites: Finding Empowerment in the Dark

Very long story short, in my senior year of high school, my entire life changed. Had you asked me then, I’d say it was changing for the worse. Today, four years later, I have learned that it actually changed for the better. As the life I had known and loved was crashing before me, my [...]

Get Smart: What is Happiness to You?

Happiness. It is defined by Google as “the state of being happy.” I know reading this on an inspirational blogging/vlogging, site you’re probably thinking, “Oh great, another happiness speech going on and on about how happiness isn’t bought with money or blah blah blah.” And I don’t blame you; I feel the same way. But [...]

Five Ways to Reframe the Negative

"Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change." - Wayne Dyer 1.  Think of stress as your friend, opportunity: We’ve all heard "Stress is the #1 killer,” right? So we automatically feel like a victim when we are stressed out, believing it is only contributing pure negativity into our lives. However, [...]

Famously Uncoordinated

I am famously uncoordinated. So much so that my friends thought it would be hilarious to add my name to the roster of almost every athletic team in high school. Each season began with a coach calling my name and the actual members of the team snickering at the joke. In spite of this all, [...]

Get Smart about the Fear of Failure

To many people, failing at something is the worst possible thing that can happen to them. They often associate failure with disappointment and the thought of letting people down scares them. Generally, we assume that people who haven’t had a lot of experiences with success are likely to be afraid of failure the most, but [...]

Unplug Love: How to Disconnect to Find the One

"And I'd give up forever to touch you Cause I know that you feel me somehow You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be And I don't wanna go home right now" These are lyrics to one of my favorite songs of all times, Iris by Goo Goo Dolls. It was written for the [...]

Your Family vs. Your Dreams: Seven Questions You Need to Ask

Perhaps it’s about career choices: maybe you want to pursue an entrepreneurial or creative career, or don’t want to attend university. Or it could be about relationships: you might want to get engaged, or to contact your birth parents. Or possibly it’s down to lifestyle choices: perhaps you want tattoos and piercings, or you plan [...]

5 Secrets to an Effortlessly Amazing Semester

“How much homework will I have this semester? Will my meal plan last me until the end? This is going to be the hardest semester of my life.” These are all normal thoughts that hound almost every college student at the start of a new semester. If you’re someone who struggles to get into the [...]

By |February 8th, 2015|College Students|0 Comments