
Eating Disorders: What You Need to Know

Eating disorders come in many variations, and many go overlooked. An eating disorder goes far beyond skipping meals. Eating disorders affect people psychologically and lead them to self-harming behavior; They are characterized by a person’s distress, and subsequent actions toward their body weight or shape, or efforts managing weight or food intake (National Institute of [...]

The Benefits of Being a Foodie

I’ve always considered myself a “foodie,” but what exactly does that mean? A passion for cooking, trying new dishes and taking pictures of every meal you’ve ever had may come to mind. However, I have come to realize the immense benefits of appreciating the culinary arts. Even if you don’t consider yourself a cook or [...]

How to Cultivate a Healthy Relationship with Food

As many are aware, last week was National Eating Disorder Awareness week. Aside from clinically diagnosed eating disorders, I want to bring attention to the umbrella term of “disordered eating,” a phenomenon that has become the norm. Whether you’ve struggled with an eating disorder or not, you need to read on, because this applies to [...]

Positivity for Every Body

I am chubby. Always have been, probably always will be. I was born chubby, I grew up chubby. I am chubby. I’ve never lived life skinny, or knowing what it’s like to be skinny. My stomach has never been completely flat, my thighs have never sported a gap between them, my cheeks have never been [...]

Get Smart and Keep it Healthy at the Dining Hall

When I first started college, the hardest thing for me was not leaving my family, nor was it sleeping in a new room with random people I’ve never met before. Instead, it was transitioning from delicious home cooked meals to dining hall food! One minute I was eating fresh salads, an abundance of fruit, and [...]

4 Get Smart Secrets to Choosing Your College!

High school seniors probably feel a little overwhelmed right now. Actually, I’m lying. Very overwhelmed right now. The emails are rolling in, letters are pouring out of the mailbox, and you’re registering for so many open houses, you feel like you’re visiting a different school every day. Well, I’m pleasantly surprised to say that I’ve [...]

By |November 14th, 2014|For Leaders & Mentors, For Teens|0 Comments

Get Smart about Eating Disorders

Everyone knows someone who has an eating disorder. You have probably heard of: Anorexia - eating very little to maintain a weight less than 85% of what is considered a healthy BMI, and being terrified of weight gain Bulimia - binging, or eating a lot in one sitting, to later purge, or burn off via [...]

Hi. My name is Kate and I’m a Foodaholic.

Ok, I’m not really addicted to food- wait… yes, yes I am.  I love food.  Way more than the average person (I know for a fact!).  I wish I didn’t love food so much, but I do, so I have to deal with it. During the holidays I kind of lost sight of my goals [...]