
Studying Made Easier!

  This will not be an explanation of how mathematical foiling is helpful in real life situations but how studying can be made simple and how it starts with YOU!   Tip #1: Sticky notes and index cards. These are my lifesavers. Add sticky notes in your textbook where important key points are made and sections where [...]

Get Smart and Give Back

“To me, giving back is so important. It makes others feel good, which then, in return, makes me feel good." - Katie Cassidy Giving Back is a term we hear often in today’s world. We are told that Giving Back should be something we incorporate into our daily lives...that it is good for the soul [...]

#BanBanBossy and #GetSmart about REAL Leadership

I confess. I bought into the hype of banbossy! I even mentioned the #banbossy campaign in a workshop I did with young girls last week!. After reading the Ban Bossy website I was floored by the tragic flaws that the campaign is hiding beneath the surface. Having worked for 10 years in the presence of 800 [...]

Hi. My name is Kate and I’m a Foodaholic.

Ok, I’m not really addicted to food- wait… yes, yes I am.  I love food.  Way more than the average person (I know for a fact!).  I wish I didn’t love food so much, but I do, so I have to deal with it. During the holidays I kind of lost sight of my goals [...]

Defining Failure & Your Personal Brand

Failure is inevitable. It's how we respond to it that defines who we are. When it comes to building a personal brand, it is always about promoting those things we want people to know about us. If you want people to identify you as disciplined and passionate, or maybe funloving and easygoing, you have to [...]