
A Get Smart Gal salutes her Grandpa!

He’s the type of guy who will be wedged under the carriage of your car in a blizzard to fix it so you’ll make it to work on time. He’s the type of guy who regularly goes over to his elderly neighbors’ to simply spend time and share a cup of coffee. He’s the type [...]

A Get Smart Guy: A Hero’s Journey Fighting Cancer

One of the reason’s I love Facebook is that has truly connected me with wonderful people in my past. Before I was a Get Smart mentor, I babysat three great kids, all children of an amazing woman named Ellice whom I reconnected with on Facebook a few years ago. Ellice is a burst of sunshine, [...]

Get Smart: Be your own boss?

Guest blogger Erika Rachel is a full time artist, spanning her career between her hometown of Milford NJ and the big cities that surround her (NYC and Philadelphia). She shares her story and journey in the hopes of inspiring others to follow their dreams and appreciate the creative process. Is Entrepreneurship for you? We all [...]

#NoFear14 A Get Smart Gal Takes on Fear: Part 2

.....well it's still 2014 and I am still kicking fear to the curb! Here are a few more ways I'm trying on! Get a hobby, girl. I was never really one for hobbies, but sometimes immersing yourself into a project can boost your confidence and take your mind off other things. Find something completely unrelated [...]

The Get Smart GUY: We are NOT afraid to go there! #nofear14

How it all started.... It was summer 2013 and I was embarking on a brand new life! I had just started Get Smart Mentoring with my former student, Alexa Maniaci and began my first job as an internal consultant. Life has a way of bringing you the right minds and hearts at exactly the right [...]

The REAL you is Sexy: Get Smart On Re-touching

#Aeriereal: The Campaign Michelle Casey -- Author of this article -- UNTOUCHED! I personally try to support clothing lines and stores that are congruent with my views. Meaning, I have been looking for a clothing store that sells bras and underwear that also promotes positive body image and doesn’t sexualize women. I was [...]

#NoFear14: A Get Smart Gal Takes Fear ON!: Part 1

If fear was not running the show in my life, I would feel empowered and confident. I would have 100 stamps on my passport! Continual self-doubts and low self-esteem can enable fear to enter and consume my daily life. Often times I can’t make decisions about which cereal I want to buy out of worry that [...]

Hi. My name is Kate and I’m a Foodaholic.

Ok, I’m not really addicted to food- wait… yes, yes I am.  I love food.  Way more than the average person (I know for a fact!).  I wish I didn’t love food so much, but I do, so I have to deal with it. During the holidays I kind of lost sight of my goals [...]

#NOFEAR14: No Judgment

Looking back... For as long as I can remember, I’ve lived with the fear of judgment, or how others perceive me. Though I might not have ever outright asked others, “Am I good enough?” when I think about it, that defining question has been at the root of all my feelings and behaviors since my [...]

#GetSmartNOW Balance Challenge — Final Week 3!

Small Stuff, Giant Difference! The race is on to the finish line of 2013. You've got a few more days to add some sparkle to this year and go out in style! This week's action bring gratitude, acknowledgement, healing, and generosity into your life and the world around you. Remember you don't have to do [...]