One of the reason’s I love Facebook is that has truly connected me with wonderful people in my past. Before I was a Get Smart mentor, I babysat three great kids, all children of an amazing woman named Ellice whom I reconnected with on Facebook a few years ago. Ellice is a burst of sunshine, great energy and life. I began to see Facebook posts requesting prayers for her husband, Mike who was fighting stage four cancer. I’ve had the opportunity to spend time with him in the past few months.
Mike as a passion for sharing his heart with others who also suffer from the disease, and helping people understand what its like to have cancer. Mike is an example of an everyday hero — of a true Get Smart Guy. As we close out this month of honoring men, I wanted to share Mike’s message with the Get Smart community and beyond! I recently sat down with Mike to interview him about what keeps him going!
My Interview with Mike: An Everyday Hero
S: Can you share with me a little about about how your journey started?
M: All my life I’ve been physically strong. I played football and I’m a former Marine.When you first hear you have cancer, you feel destroyed. For someone who has had power all of my life it was hard to feel powerless. I couldn’t fight for myself let alone help anybody else – that scared me.
S: How did you turn that around?
M: In any battle there is strength in numbers. Cancer doesn’t fight fair. I want people to know they are not alone. I was always a tough guy, able to take care of myself. However I don’t like injustice, or anyone being picked on who can’t defend themselves. I’m very fortunate to have the support of my wife and family.
There is a bond among those of us that have cancer that only we can truly understand. When I’m with other people fighting the disease, I sometimes try to even joke just to ease the tension. I listen to people. I want them to know that there is hope, but that its good to sometimes take your mind off of the disease. There are a lot of people who have cancer without that outlet providing hope, humor or lightness. I always wanted to do something for other people.
S: Can you give me an example?
M: In my many treatments, testing, and doctor visits, I met a woman who was preparing for an MRI and she was petrified. I saw she spoke Italian and I helped calm her down. Another time I met a younger woman who was fighting her third round of cancer. The only male love in her life was her father who had passed away. All she needed was someone to let her know things would be ok. All people need is a friend – someone to listen without being judgmental.
Someone once told me, you can talk to someone for 6 hours and know nothing, you can listen for 2 minutes and know everything about them.
S: I think I am going to go with the “everyday hero” theme – what do you think of that?
M: When I was in college I was working in a company along side an older man. He was a typical guy in his 50’s but this guy didn’t’ have a dime to his name. He would eat crackers for lunch. He wore raggedy clothes and people would make fun of him.
What most people didn’t know was that his wife was terminally ill with cancer. Every day after work this guy would go to the hospice and would sit by her side. This woman was his whole life. He loved this woman so much. We were all these young tough guys but I never saw another human being in my life have such love for another person. All he got out in the end was this was the person he loved.
He never complained – to me that is a hero.
S: What would you say to young people who may have a loved one with cancer?
M:If you have parent or sibling with cancer, say what you need to say NOW. Little things are not important. It’s important to understand that sometimes it is the disease speaking – not them. Have patience. Love and enjoy as much as you can while they are here. You don’t know if you won’t get a chance to say I love you, or I’m sorry, or thank you.
The Get Smart Guy
So just what is a Get Smart Guy and why do we say that Mike is one? A Get Smart Guy isn’t stopped by fear. He works through it and seeks to share his heart. You could say that any human heart has the ability to do this. This can show us that there are not really that many differences between men and women. What if we have been told there are more than they actually are? We must continue to believe that good men exist. They are everywhere! Get Smart celebrates men of character by honoring Mike and his message.
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Mike is also a poet and an inspirational speaker. We leave you with an excerpt from one of his poems and his message to young people to never give up on your dreams!
It is intrinsic to our nature yet kept buried in our hearts
It is free just our asking
It’s the love we fear of sharing
It’s the caring we do with love
Set it FREE!
A Message from Mike!
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