
3 Ways to Be Happy – Instantly

Gratitude.... ...Not an easy thing to come by in 2013. It's an even harder thing to come by living in the suburbs of one of the most affluent cities in the world. It's looked over big time - not even looked over- full out ignored: by society, our parents, our peers. I know you've heard [...]

#GetSmartNow challenge #4TheWorldWeekend – 40 ways to PIF!

40 ways to LOVE it UP this December...or whenever! This holiday season and throughout the new year RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS feed your soul. RAKtivists unite! Challenge yourself to be a star thrower in someone else’s life by sharing a simple, selfless act to help or encourage another person, with no reason other than to [...]

#GetSmartNOW week 2 Balance Challenge!

Get Smart Gals are Blazing a Trail to 2014! Week 1 was a huge success and we thank so many of you for commenting and messaging us about how inspired you are to greet 2014 already AWESOME. New Year's Resolutions are hard to keep because they are not always realistic or balanced. They put undue [...]

Take the #GetSmartNOW Balance Challenge!

Who waits to be awesome?? Consider joining the #GetSmartNOW balance challenge! Each week for the next 3 weeks we will launch a simple list of things you can do for yourself, your health, your people, and the WORLD! Show up at the doorstep of 2014 READY for anything! Watch a video below to inspire you for [...]

Here’s Caroline: Your 20-Something Soul Starter

My name is Caroline and I'm a new 20-Something mentor here at Get Smart. Let me start off by saying that I am beyond thrilled to be writing for you guys. I have a whole slew of thought-provoking stuff to share, and I cannot wait to dive in. But first- let me explain what I'm [...]

Thanksgiving Soul Snacks from A Get Smart Gal

Hello beautiful ladies! Every year we take a day out of the year to sit back and think all of the things we should be thankful for. This day usually consists of copious amounts of food, spending time with loved ones and going around the table saying what everyone is thankful for.  And to be [...]

By |November 26th, 2013|College Students, For Teens|0 Comments

Month 1: Kate & Steph drop 8.8 lbs WOO!

Month 1 Update In case you missed our first post -- we are losing 20 lbs each by Christmas! Month 1 has been an exciting challenge for both of us but we are committed to CRUSHING 40 lbs just in time for Santa to fill our stockings with...carrots? Oh well we are psyched and happy [...]

Are you a Get Smart “Quotinista?”

How many times have you popped onto Facebook or Twitter in a down moment and seen a quote that snapped you out of your funk? I have always been a  lover of words. Constructing them together in a way that moves others is a gift we give to the world. Being an agent of change, [...]

Positive Self-Talk: Weird or Amazing?

Look -- a leaping girl! It's nearly impossible to stare at your Facebook feed and not see some inspirational quote with a girl jumping into mid-air by the beach. "Be like this girl - free and awesome all the time!" I am a quote junkie, and these snippets of time where we actually [...]

Back to school! Do’s and Don’ts

Well hello there my lovelies! It's that time of year again. The weather starts to slowly change, days get a little shorter, and Target and KMart start putting out their ridiculous back to school commercials. But, we must be prepared! Because as slow as we all wished this summer would go, back to school time [...]

By |August 27th, 2013|College Students, For Teens|0 Comments