
Studying Made Easier!

  This will not be an explanation of how mathematical foiling is helpful in real life situations but how studying can be made simple and how it starts with YOU!   Tip #1: Sticky notes and index cards. These are my lifesavers. Add sticky notes in your textbook where important key points are made and sections where [...]

The Secret to a Great Summer

After months of hard work, classes, projects, tests, and studying, the school year for college students is coming to a close! Many students have to decide whether they want to reside at their shore houses, take summer classes, or find a job. To me, a summer job is about doing something enjoyable that would not [...]

By |May 4th, 2015|College Students|0 Comments

Finals Frenzy

Finals week haunts every student's mind, especially as it comes closer. Once May hits, so does all of the work, and end-of-year parties or events. There is usually a lot of school work that students push off while looking forward to formals, proms, and vacation. By putting off all the work, students can become more [...]

By |April 20th, 2015|College Students|0 Comments

Should You Be Thinking About a Gap Year?

Gap years: an enriching way to open your mind, or a hedonistic way to waste your time and money? Their divided reputation makes deciding whether to take one a difficult decision. The truth is that a gap year can be either of these stereotypes. Which one it ends up being depends on you. There are [...]

The Quarter Life Crisis: Can Moisturizer Fix It?

The Get Smart women are confused. An article about anti-aging cream for women in their twenties made its way into our 'virtual office' (otherwise known as our secret facebook group). Here's the article. Origins believes the skin of twenty-somethings is aging, and they have the perfect fix. They’ll market it with apps for customizing selfies, [...]

By |February 23rd, 2015|For Leaders & Mentors, For Young Adult Women|0 Comments

6 tips for beating back to school STRESS!

With the school year just starting, we are often stressing out, whether it be about  our parents, grades, GPAs, SATS (if you are a junior), life choices, colleges, making the right decisions, or sports. Some of us didn’t even start yet and already feel the pressure and the stress hitting us. I was thinking the [...]

By |September 3rd, 2013|For Leaders & Mentors, For Teens|0 Comments