
About Cassandra Finno

Cassie is a rising high school junior who is very active in athletics and committed to academics. She plays volleyball, softball, and has been on the swim team. She is outgoing and knows who she is. Cassie is committed to helping teens stay confident through the ups and downs of high school. She'll be sharing more about this in the future so stay tuned!

A Teen’s View: Why its great to have (boy) friends!

Girls often question themselves by thinking it’s not okay to have a guy who is just a friend. I think it’s great when you have a guy friend, sometimes. Guy best friends because usually hate drama which is such a RELIEF! (unless that’s all they feed off of, remember, its high school). I’ve had guy [...]

By |February 4th, 2014|For Teens|0 Comments

No worries: Teen Tips for stopping the crazy train!

Over the past couple of years I have noticed something, girls worry about a lot of things, especially me. Some days (not all!) my list looks like this: Boys Looks Having to impress others/ not doing things for myself Come on girls; let’s be real here, if you say you haven’t worried about at least [...]

By |October 22nd, 2013|For Teens|0 Comments

6 tips for beating back to school STRESS!

With the school year just starting, we are often stressing out, whether it be about  our parents, grades, GPAs, SATS (if you are a junior), life choices, colleges, making the right decisions, or sports. Some of us didn’t even start yet and already feel the pressure and the stress hitting us. I was thinking the [...]

By |September 3rd, 2013|For Leaders & Mentors, For Teens|0 Comments

Top 5 Signs Your Friend is TRUE BLUE.

Friendships in high school can be rough, unless you’ve stayed friends with the same people since elementary school. This is possible, but not everyone stays friends with the same exact people from elementary school to high school. Even if they do, new friends come in and out. We are always faced with the challenge of [...]

By |July 28th, 2013|For Teens|0 Comments

BRB: The teen dating dilemma!

Crushes in high school are fun and crazy, but what makes crushes worse are social networking sites. You look on facebook to see if the persons in a relationship. Then you go on twitter and look at their bio to see if it says single or in a relationship too, but there could always be [...]

By |July 15th, 2013|For Teens|0 Comments

Here’s Cassie ~ Our Teen Confidence Booster!

About me! Hey guys! My name is Cassandra, I am 16 years old and I am very athletic. I enjoy swimming, softball and volleyball and have played each in high school. I also maintained my grades while participating in sports every season and barely getting a break in between. I am also sensitive, outgoing, and [...]

By |July 1st, 2013|For Teens|0 Comments