
Cutting Out Toxic Relationships

Healthy relationships are a fundamental part of finding happiness and stability in one’s life. Oftentimes, people find themselves believing that the relationships they currently have are either the best they deserve or the best could ever obtain. Some people also feel that the longer a person is in their life, the more critical maintaining a [...]

Identifying Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships

There are many generally accepted behaviors and exchanges between people in a committed relationship that are oftentimes, in reality, very problematic and unacceptable. Overprotecting, vigilant, dominant, overbearing, and controlling personality traits or behaviors are often interpreted as positive, such as the abuser doing what they do "out of care/love" for their partner. Of course, there are [...]

Studying Made Easier!

  This will not be an explanation of how mathematical foiling is helpful in real life situations but how studying can be made simple and how it starts with YOU!   Tip #1: Sticky notes and index cards. These are my lifesavers. Add sticky notes in your textbook where important key points are made and sections where [...]

Being Confident in Your Four Year Fit

The college process is a huge step in a young adult’s life. There is uncertainty about career paths, where you want to live or commute to for the next four years and how to fit into the university community. With over 2,400 four year institutions in the United States alone, there are endless options for [...]

Hi. My name is Kate and I’m a Foodaholic.

Ok, I’m not really addicted to food- wait… yes, yes I am.  I love food.  Way more than the average person (I know for a fact!).  I wish I didn’t love food so much, but I do, so I have to deal with it. During the holidays I kind of lost sight of my goals [...]