
The REAL you is Sexy: Get Smart On Re-touching

#Aeriereal: The Campaign Michelle Casey -- Author of this article -- UNTOUCHED! I personally try to support clothing lines and stores that are congruent with my views. Meaning, I have been looking for a clothing store that sells bras and underwear that also promotes positive body image and doesn’t sexualize women. I was [...]

#NoFear14: A Get Smart Gal Takes Fear ON!: Part 1

If fear was not running the show in my life, I would feel empowered and confident. I would have 100 stamps on my passport! Continual self-doubts and low self-esteem can enable fear to enter and consume my daily life. Often times I can’t make decisions about which cereal I want to buy out of worry that [...]

Get organized and get smart!

Hello lovelies! I know at this point in the year, it's an uphill battle to stay motivated and organized.  Back to school time is upon us, and winter breaks are almost all completely over. But guess what that means? It's almost summer! And it's time to get ourselves put back together. I'm a junior in [...]

By |January 28th, 2014|College Students|0 Comments

A Light from Madison

As I read the outpouring of love and support on Facebook from my former students who knew Madison Holleran, I just kept thinking “She could have easily been one of my students.” Her tragic suicide shocked Bergen County, NJ last week with a wave of overwhelming grief.   I forced myself to detach myself from seeing Madison in [...]

Hi. My name is Kate and I’m a Foodaholic.

Ok, I’m not really addicted to food- wait… yes, yes I am.  I love food.  Way more than the average person (I know for a fact!).  I wish I didn’t love food so much, but I do, so I have to deal with it. During the holidays I kind of lost sight of my goals [...]

#NOFEAR14: No Judgment

Looking back... For as long as I can remember, I’ve lived with the fear of judgment, or how others perceive me. Though I might not have ever outright asked others, “Am I good enough?” when I think about it, that defining question has been at the root of all my feelings and behaviors since my [...]

#NoFear14: Uncovering Love

Recently this past week, a good friend's conversation reminded me of one of my favorite quotes: "You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection." ~ Buddha For the past week, I have been preparing this post in my mind. #NoFear14 has manifested itself into two groups of women [...]

Thank you.

Hello lovelies. I'd just like to take this post to wish you, and your loved ones a very Happy New Year. This past year has been a quick one, full of adventure, new beginnings, and change. Sometimes we don't realize how fast we're moving until we step back from it all for a second, and [...]