Hello lovelies.
I’d just like to take this post to wish you, and your loved ones a very Happy New Year. This past year has been a quick one, full of adventure, new beginnings, and change. Sometimes we don’t realize how fast we’re moving until we step back from it all for a second, and just take a deep breath.
Let me know what type of posts, whether it be more dedicated to style, beauty, hair, etc, you’d like to see in the upcoming weeks! I can’t wait to hear your feedback
Last, but not least, I want to thank you. Thank you to my GetSmart family, and all of the beautiful, and absolutely incredible GetSmart girls who have joined along on this journey. This page is an amazing outlet to information from our peers, and to be offered advice, and motivation on a daily basis is something we all need.
I wish you all nothing but love, laughter, and happiness in the new year.
Love always,
To further contact me…
kn.darienzo@gmail.com – email
kristenicolex.blogspot.com personal blog
@kristendari- instagram
@kristenicoleeee – twitter
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