
Get Smart and Stay You

“Today you are You, that is truer than true, There is no one alive who is Youer than You” – Dr. Seuss Seuss is right you know. Let’s take a moment to let that astounding thought resonate. Of the seven billion-some people on our lovely planet, each and every individual has their own parcel of [...]

Three Easy Steps to Staying Positive in Your 20’s

Being a young adult is hard and that is no exaggeration. There’s so much pressure to follow societal norms but to also be unique butterflies. We need to get our act together and somehow become self-actualized human beings. The struggle to find time to love ourselves and be meaningful in our actions is difficult when [...]

By |March 23rd, 2015|College Students, For Young Adult Women|0 Comments

Are You Lonely? That’s Okay.

It's 11 a.m. on Saturday morning and you don't have anything to do. You've read three novels this week, watched all your favorite TV shows, and exhausted your go-to websites. You’ve already exercised. Your room is spotless. What you want is someone to hang out with, but there's no one. Your alone time has crossed [...]

Get Smart about Anxiety and Depression

“In light there is darkness, and in darkness there is light.” ~ Beautiful Chaos When I was younger, I never thought that depression or anxiety would become a part of my life. I thought that I had a good life, which is still true, but I never foresaw having anxiety attacks or becoming depressed. At [...]

A Get Smart Pep Talk for the Solo Traveler

So your friends are planning yet another trip to Las Vegas or some other party destination...but you’d rather have an adventure. You dream of going on safari in Tanzania, backpacking through Slovenia, or road tripping Route 66.  Let’s face it—a pub crawl is never going satisfy your craving for new and exciting experiences. You have [...]

Get Smart: The Hardships of Losing a Friend

As much as I would love to compare everything to the analogy of breaking up with a boyfriend, losing a friend is much worse. When you’re in a relationship with a significant other, there is always this slight possibility that things might not work out. As lovely and promising it seems to fantasize about your [...]