
FOMO: A Social Anxiety Disorder of the 21st Century

FOMO (foe-mow) noun, slang. a feeling of anxiety or insecurity over the possibility of missing out on something, as an event or an opportunity Whether you admit it or not, we all compare our lives (the good, the bad, the ugly) to others', constantly wondering if we could do more or if we are missing [...]

5 Reasons Why Skinny Shaming Is a Real Thing

Unfortunately, skinny shaming is a real thing...and here's why: 1. Because telling someone who’s skinny to "eat a cheeseburger" is the same as telling a heavy person to "put down the fork." An insult is an insult, and referring to someone’s body, as "a stick" isn’t pleasing to hear. Telling someone, “if you turned sideways [...]

Get Smart about Anxiety and Depression

“In light there is darkness, and in darkness there is light.” ~ Beautiful Chaos When I was younger, I never thought that depression or anxiety would become a part of my life. I thought that I had a good life, which is still true, but I never foresaw having anxiety attacks or becoming depressed. At [...]

Stress Much? A Get Smart Gal’s Tips for LIVING!

My relationship with stress all began when I was 10 years old when I was leaving home for the first time to go to sleep away camp. Going to a new place alone and meeting new people was a terrifying idea, but little did I know that I would be lucky enough to make two [...]

Get Smart about Anxiety: Let’s Do This Together

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle - Plato This is the fourth time I’ve sat down in an attempt to write this blog. I’ve stared at my computer sipping numerous cups of coffee, typed a few sentences, deleted those sentences, and tried again. I find it hard to talk about [...]

Chase Change: Get Smart & Grow!

 “So fill up your lungs and just run, but always be chasing the sun." - Sara Barielles If you are like me, the thought of seeing the world, moving some place new, experiencing life in a completely new environment and soaking up the sun somewhere amazing (like Southern California) is spellbinding. The idea of a [...]

#NOFEAR14: No Judgment

Looking back... For as long as I can remember, I’ve lived with the fear of judgment, or how others perceive me. Though I might not have ever outright asked others, “Am I good enough?” when I think about it, that defining question has been at the root of all my feelings and behaviors since my [...]