
Get Smart: You are More than Your Weaknesses (and Strengths)

We are constantly told that we should emphasize and work with our strengths. With the same intent, we are also told that we should accept our limits and work within those limitations. We live in a world that is conceptualized and limited by our thoughts and perceptions. Of course, it is great to recognize and [...]

Take the Giving Tuesday Challenge with Anieka

Thanksgiving is a massively celebrated American tradition. However, it is applicable not only to Americans, but to people all around the world. Thanksgiving gives importance to the act of giving thanks and being grateful. #GivingTuesday is a global day that falls on the 1st of December this year, dedicated to giving back to non-profit organisations [...]

Take the Giving Tuesday Challenge with Emily

Black Friday and Cyber Monday: two days of sales and consumer mayhem. We’ve all heard of them and probably participated, but have you heard of Giving-Tuesday? Just as Black Friday is considered the kick-off to holiday shopping, Giving Tuesday jumpstarts the season of giving. Giving Tuesday is a day devoted to giving back to your local [...]

Media Overload: Authenticity Is Hard To Come By

With countless outlets of media on so many different platforms dictating our daily lives, it’s almost too easy to get caught up in the digital world. But at what cost? When do we become too consumed by media and lose sight of who we are? This past week, a huge trending topic around social media [...]

Three Easy Steps to Staying Positive in Your 20’s

Being a young adult is hard and that is no exaggeration. There’s so much pressure to follow societal norms but to also be unique butterflies. We need to get our act together and somehow become self-actualized human beings. The struggle to find time to love ourselves and be meaningful in our actions is difficult when [...]

By |March 23rd, 2015|College Students, For Young Adult Women|0 Comments