
Get Smart: How to Kill a Job Interview

So graduation is a mere few months away. You’re suddenly realizing that you need to land that job that will pay rent, considering your parents will be cutting you off the minute your hand grabs that diploma. In order to get that job, you need to go through at least two or three interviews. Here [...]

Lend Them Your Ears: Tips for Effective Communication

The act of listening is something that many people think of like breathing: innate, automatic. However, to listen well is a skill, and a powerful tool. What a world we would live in if everyone truly knew how to listen. As human beings, we all want and need to be heard and understood. Think about [...]

Law of Opposites: Finding Empowerment in the Dark

Very long story short, in my senior year of high school, my entire life changed. Had you asked me then, I’d say it was changing for the worse. Today, four years later, I have learned that it actually changed for the better. As the life I had known and loved was crashing before me, my [...]

Get the Feel of This

Artificial intelligence may be imminent, but that doesn’t mean we need to start acting like robots now. Power and leadership seem to go hand in hand with lack of emotion, or coolness. The idea of “if you show how much it bothers you, you look vulnerable and you lose,” is prominent in the work force. [...]

Lessons Learned from Dating My Best Friend

I met Max my freshman year of high school, when I was 14. However, we didn’t start dating until I was 19. I’m not exactly sure how it happened, but we started spending more and more time together, then time alone. Then hours on end with this kid had me thinking I didn’t want to [...]

Get Smart and Believe in Yourself

With graduation getting closer and closer, most college seniors are in stress-out mode for “Well, what comes next after graduation?” Each person is different and prefers a different route; some stay home and cool off to gain energy for the job hunt, some lucky people find a job, and others continue with school at the [...]

Turning the Negative into Positive

Divorce. What do you think of when you hear the word divorce? Maybe the word relates to your family, or a friend's family. Maybe it does not relate to you at all. People automatically think of divorce in a negative sense. A broken marriage, unnecessary fighting, loss of money, and upset children are just a [...]

Get Smart: What is Happiness to You?

Happiness. It is defined by Google as “the state of being happy.” I know reading this on an inspirational blogging/vlogging, site you’re probably thinking, “Oh great, another happiness speech going on and on about how happiness isn’t bought with money or blah blah blah.” And I don’t blame you; I feel the same way. But [...]

Get Smart and Enjoy the Middle

One of the most prominent feelings that I can remember in high school was the exact moment that it ended. We swore that we wouldn't make it out alive and that those days never had to end. But then they did. Now, I am in college, and it seems like I'm never going to get [...]

A Rebel Against Society

Since coming to college, I’ve made many new friends. With these friendships comes all of the “get to know each other” questions. Examples of a few I’ve received the most often are: Where are you from? What’s your major? How many siblings do you have? What did you do in high school? What are your [...]