
Adding Purpose to Unexpected Changes

Sometimes things happen that we don’t plan for. It’s inevitable that (no matter who you are) at one point or another, there will be unpredictable turns of events – good or bad – that can make you reshape your perspectives or values. You might face moments that take up time in your day, space in [...]

Valentine’s Day Love

I remember Valentine’s Day in elementary school. You would spend the entire week getting ready for the class party. You were challenged to make the coolest themed mailbox, pick the favorite treat, and have the trendiest valentines. I remember studying each card that came in the package making sure I didn’t give flirty ones to [...]

Famously Uncoordinated

I am famously uncoordinated. So much so that my friends thought it would be hilarious to add my name to the roster of almost every athletic team in high school. Each season began with a coach calling my name and the actual members of the team snickering at the joke. In spite of this all, [...]

Why Supporting Victims of Domestic Violence Matters

With 1 in 3 college women being effected by domestic violence in her lifetime, this is something we can no longer ignore. As a sister of Alpha Chi Omega and long time supporter of uplifting women to new heights, domestic violence is an issue that can no longer be silenced. Alpha Chi Omega is proud [...]

Are You Really All Ears?

My best friend, who is in medical school, tells me one of his classmates consistently receives top scores on his rotation evaluations, while he received good, but not perfect evaluations. Both being excellent students, he didn’t understand what caused this discrepancy. The difference? The other student has a background in theatrical arts, and probably without [...]

The Attitude of Healthy Changes

When starting college, there’s always a plethora of stereotypical stories we hear about the excitement that is freshman year. Before you know it, you’re in a new world full of changes; new people from different walks of life, rush week, events from clubs of all kinds, parties, sports, campus-life, and of course, keeping up your [...]

Less Comparison, More Compassion

Have you ever felt great about a skill, only to have it downplayed by someone who you perceived as doing it better than you? Felt inadequate because a classmate or a coworker would always outshine you? The tendency to compare ourselves to others is completely human. Looking at life through a lens of comparison is [...]

Get Smart about Female Friendships

In my 24 years of stumbling through life, there are few things I'm 100% sure on. My beliefs change with knowledge and experience so I hold many of my opinions to that moment and know that for me, they aren’t etched in stone. But, I will vouch for a few things with fierce passion; one [...]

Get Smart about Being Unapologetically YOU

  It’s easy to get wrapped up in things going on around you and to lose a sense of yourself. There were times growing up when I would go along with something my friends were doing, even if I didn’t necessarily agree with it. There were times I took up a new hobby because that’s [...]

Take the Giving Tuesday Challenge with Anieka

Thanksgiving is a massively celebrated American tradition. However, it is applicable not only to Americans, but to people all around the world. Thanksgiving gives importance to the act of giving thanks and being grateful. #GivingTuesday is a global day that falls on the 1st of December this year, dedicated to giving back to non-profit organisations [...]