
Get Smart and Go the Distance – Part I

What is both the best, and worst thing? Change. It means things will be different. You will be different. People will be different, and want to try different things and new experiences in new places. Whether this means moving to a different state, or country, the idea of being separated from your loved ones is [...]

Live Life in Full Bloom

Spring has finally arrived: the grass becomes green again, flowers miraculously appear overnight, and the longer, brighter days make us feel as if summer isn’t really that far off after all. It’s easy to spend spring daydreaming about hot summer days spent basking in the sun, but with that frame of mind you’ll end up [...]

A Rebel Against Society

Since coming to college, I’ve made many new friends. With these friendships comes all of the “get to know each other” questions. Examples of a few I’ve received the most often are: Where are you from? What’s your major? How many siblings do you have? What did you do in high school? What are your [...]

Five Ways to Reframe the Negative

"Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change." - Wayne Dyer 1.  Think of stress as your friend, opportunity: We’ve all heard "Stress is the #1 killer,” right? So we automatically feel like a victim when we are stressed out, believing it is only contributing pure negativity into our lives. However, [...]

Adding Purpose to Unexpected Changes

Sometimes things happen that we don’t plan for. It’s inevitable that (no matter who you are) at one point or another, there will be unpredictable turns of events – good or bad – that can make you reshape your perspectives or values. You might face moments that take up time in your day, space in [...]

Get Smart about Being Unapologetically YOU

  It’s easy to get wrapped up in things going on around you and to lose a sense of yourself. There were times growing up when I would go along with something my friends were doing, even if I didn’t necessarily agree with it. There were times I took up a new hobby because that’s [...]

#PostGradProblems: How to Survive PGD

by guest blogger Nicole Gittleman Post-grad depression (PGD) is REAL. Similarly to how post-vacation depression, though many may disagree, is also real. Life seems exciting and new and adventurous after graduation, until the dreaded month of September creeps up after August and slaps all us post-grads in the face with one large reminder: You are not going back [...]

Deciding on a Career: What You Need to Know

It’s The Big Question. It’s an instant existential crisis. And it’s something asked constantly: What do you want to do when you grow up? We get a lot of practice answering this question; all the way through childhood we choose careers such as firefighter, ballerina, or teacher. When I was informed at the age of [...]

The World is Your Oyster!

The future is a subject which everyone dreads being asked about. Whether in high school entering college or college entering the ‘real world,’ the future can be a nerve-wracking thought for anyone. Being a graduating senior, I have been going through this process myself and my friends have been telling me that I am not [...]

Find, Know, and Embrace Yourself

Sitting in my cozy corner in my favorite donut shop, sipping on hot chocolate and munching a double chocolate cake donut, I stop for a second and appreciate all of the people around me doing the same. There are the love birds, giggling and feeding each other (who does that?). Hiding behind my laptop screen, [...]