
College Safety: Sexual Assault Awareness

Going away to college can be one of the most enriching and positive experiences in one’s life; you are exposed to a new environment, new friends, and new experiences. These 4+ years can contribute so much to one’s growth, and have a positive impact on one’s personal development, but unfortunately, it can also come with [...]

Get Smart: What Traveling Taught Me

Saint Augustine once said, “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” One year and one month ago I departed for the journey of a lifetime. Never would I ever have imagined that I would be living in the heart of Florence, Italy for four months. It was [...]

Why Supporting Victims of Domestic Violence Matters

With 1 in 3 college women being effected by domestic violence in her lifetime, this is something we can no longer ignore. As a sister of Alpha Chi Omega and long time supporter of uplifting women to new heights, domestic violence is an issue that can no longer be silenced. Alpha Chi Omega is proud [...]

3 Things To Consider Before Deciding Not to Vote

So it begins… the debates, the attack ads, the speeches, and the misspoken moments played over and over again on our television screens. Sometimes it seems easier just to stay out of all the political drama that consumes our nation from now until November 2016. Here’s why you definitely shouldn’t: Your voice is powerful. Speak [...]

Women Are Intriguing with Their Clothes On

Whether it is washing a car in a bikini or crawling across a sandy beach, it’s clear that the world of media represents the phony idea that women are always sexual and that we are constantly seeking sexual attention. Women are too often painted like desperate trolls continually trying to scheme up ways to get [...]

The Seven Best Things about Greek Life

After a long recruitment weekend, I began thinking about my life before Greek Life.  Everyone sees Greek Life as a group of girls and guys who party and have crazy themes.  Or they see it as it is viewed in movies such as Legally Blonde, Sorority Row or The House Bunny. As Green Day says, [...]

By |February 16th, 2015|College Students|0 Comments

Scared of Feminism? Get Smart Now!

“17.7 million American women have been the victim of attempted or completed rape in her lifetime.” ~ RAINN Women in Iran are protesting after eight women have had acid poured on them by men who did not see their wardrobe fit. ~ Washington Post White American women make on average 77 cents to every dollar [...]

Get Smart about Education for Women

 80% of all human trafficking victims are female. 75% of AIDS cases in Sub-Saharan Africa are women and girls. The leading cause of death for young teenage girls is childbirth. Women are globally more susceptible victims to these injustices. Why? Because 66 million girls are out of school right now, and 33 million fewer girls [...]

Meet the new Get Smart GAME CHANGERS!

As a 30-something woman I still can get as ridiculously excited as a 4 year old child. And if there was anything to jump up and down about it's how, in about two weeks, Get Smart has reached young women all across this country and attracted a team of 11 virtual (and some in person) [...]

A Light from Madison

As I read the outpouring of love and support on Facebook from my former students who knew Madison Holleran, I just kept thinking “She could have easily been one of my students.” Her tragic suicide shocked Bergen County, NJ last week with a wave of overwhelming grief.   I forced myself to detach myself from seeing Madison in [...]