
Five Reasons You Can Befriend Other Girls

All too often I hear girls say, "I can’t be friends with girls, they're crazy" or,  “girls are just too much drama."  What causes girls to think so negatively about other girls? Why cant we all just get along? So here are five reasons why you can totally be friends with other girls. Because “girl” isn’t [...]

Take a Stand Against Sexual Assault

With the release of “50 Shades of Grey,” a lot of people have been talking about sexual assault and domestic violence. I was recently out one weekend and noticed that a freshman girl (whom I had never met before) was clearly incoherent. She was being taken advantage of by a guy, while other guys were [...]

The Quarter Life Crisis: Can Moisturizer Fix It?

The Get Smart women are confused. An article about anti-aging cream for women in their twenties made its way into our 'virtual office' (otherwise known as our secret facebook group). Here's the article. Origins believes the skin of twenty-somethings is aging, and they have the perfect fix. They’ll market it with apps for customizing selfies, [...]

By |February 23rd, 2015|For Leaders & Mentors, For Young Adult Women|0 Comments

Get Smart and Get on LinkedIn!

There’s a common saying that I have heard a lot through my years at college: “It’s not what you know but who you know.” While it’s important to learn about your field, it is also very important to get connected with people in your field and people outside of your field. Creating a LinkedIn account [...]

Breakups to Breakthroughs

Whether you see it coming or it happens out of nowhere, a breakup can shake you to your core. A shock wave floods your body and you become numb to the world around you. You're hyper-focused on your internal pain, your ego screams out for justice, and your heart is in ruins. Pages upon pages [...]

The Seven Best Things about Greek Life

After a long recruitment weekend, I began thinking about my life before Greek Life.  Everyone sees Greek Life as a group of girls and guys who party and have crazy themes.  Or they see it as it is viewed in movies such as Legally Blonde, Sorority Row or The House Bunny. As Green Day says, [...]

By |February 16th, 2015|College Students|0 Comments

Light vs. Dark: A Twisted Beauty Standard

When I was in the seventh grade, I took a trip to India. It was a place of rich cultural contradiction, which I chose to take no part in; I was only twelve. Holed up in my Aji’s apartment watching the Disney channel, one day I saw an ad for Fair and Lovely cream, which [...]

Do I Have to Grow Up?

I’ve spent the last few months thinking about adulthood and growing up. Not about growing older because, let’s face it, time is something we can’t freeze or put a “pause” and “resume” button on. The actual act of growing up, being an adult and making mature decisions -- how do you know you’re ready to [...]

5 Secrets to an Effortlessly Amazing Semester

“How much homework will I have this semester? Will my meal plan last me until the end? This is going to be the hardest semester of my life.” These are all normal thoughts that hound almost every college student at the start of a new semester. If you’re someone who struggles to get into the [...]

By |February 8th, 2015|College Students|0 Comments

5 Steps to a Goal You’ll Keep

A new year. A new start. And for millions of us, new goals. This year, I asked my friends their resolutions. Megumi told me, "I want to be less immature." Sara added, "I want to be less self-absorbed." I was stunned. How could my wonderful, sincere, compassionate friends define themselves in one negative word? Then I [...]