Processed with VSCOcam with g3 presetAfter graduating college just a few weeks ago, I immediately entered the pool of “I will take any job that hires me.” My first bite was with a legal services company offering me my very own cubicle space! When people asked me about the position and what exactly I would be doing, I sort of threw together a few sentences about data entry and contract writing. I graduated with a major in literature and a concentration in creative writing. I was willing to settle for a desk job that would require tons of training since I knew nothing about the systems. Plus, a paycheck? Sounds good to me.

Jumped too Soon

Of course, it is important to try new things and consider all of the opportunities that life offers you. But when I began to see what the daily grind was like at this company, I knew that it wasn’t for me.  I had jumped at the thought of a stable job and a paycheck going toward my student loans, but I hadn’t considered what type of work I would actually enjoy.

I’m not saying that we are always going to love every job that we have. There are things in this world that we simply have to do in order to manage what we want to do. But if we are going to do what we have to do, we should attempt to make sure it is something that actually aids our wants, desires and goals. In this crazy economy, it can be hard to prioritize our beliefs over the hunger to be hired. But because I was not locked into the first situation that came my way, I have since been presented with many other (and better) opportunities and offers in the past few weeks.

Your Wants are Just as Important

businesswoman waiting for job interviewMy best advice is to apply for everything. Go on interviews that you may be hesitant to actually show up for, practice speaking to hiring managers at all different companies, get your resume out there on everyone’s desk and definitely keep an open mind. But when it comes down to actually accepting a position, make sure it is a good fit.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions that you need to know the answers to. Not only will you learn if the company is a good fit for you, but asking questions also shows initiative and interest – two qualities that are hard to come by in a potential employee. You don’t have to wake up at 6 a.m. every morning excited about going to work, but you sure as heck have to make it through the week in one piece! Eventually, after enduring what you have to do, you will get to do what you want to do.

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