
Inspiration for YOU!

by guest blogger Erin Latz Hi, My name is Erin and I would like to share with you my Gold Award project for Girl Scouts this past year. I started a peer mentor program at my high school because of a personal experience with a friend who just needed to talk to someone because she was [...]

By |November 3rd, 2015|For Leaders & Mentors, For Teens|0 Comments

Get smart about growing up to be like your parents!

by guest blogger Lauren Wisbeski As a teenager, you think that your parents are awful. As it turns out, they’re actually the only ones unconditionally on your side. If you don’t see that now, give it a few years and it’ll definitely hit you. So when you imagine the person you aspire to be most like when [...]

Get smart about your college experience!

by guest blogger Nicole Gittleman The transition from high school to college is a very prominent one. Some high school students move away from home, many to a university where they don’t know anyone.  Classes normally become much more intellectually stimulating, meaning you can’t get away with doing your homework in homeroom anymore. For those students [...]

By |August 3rd, 2015|College Students, For Leaders & Mentors, For Teens|0 Comments

Get Smart About Your Body: Yours is the Only Opinion That Matters

I am a fat girl. Strictly speaking from the perspective of the fashion industry and mass media, of course. If there is anything I’ve learned from being a young woman living in this society, it is that there are a plethora of meanings and implications assigned to the way a body looks. There are size [...]

How to Dress to Impress for a Job Interview

A first impression is the last impression. It is instant and takes a few seconds for a complete stranger to formulate a positive or negative opinion of you based solely on your appearance. People don’t necessarily notice when you’re well put together, but they definitely notice when you’re not. If you’re a movie buff like [...]

Insecurities? Don’t Worry!

Insecurities. We all have them. It’s a completely normal thing. Especially in teenagers. I, being a freshman in high school, have many. Some very typical 15-year-old things, others not very common among people my age. But how do I deal with them? Answer—I don’t. (Okay, okay, that was a joke). Here are a few ways [...]

5 Secrets to an Effortlessly Amazing Semester

“How much homework will I have this semester? Will my meal plan last me until the end? This is going to be the hardest semester of my life.” These are all normal thoughts that hound almost every college student at the start of a new semester. If you’re someone who struggles to get into the [...]

By |February 8th, 2015|College Students|0 Comments

Get Smart with Ashley on #GivingTuesday

There is one time a year where many of us sit down and truly think about what we are thankful for. For the other 364 days, we don’t usually make the time to be thankful for all that we have and the people in our lives. December 2nd is Giving Tuesday, a day where people [...]

Life is not a Fairytale: Get Smart Now!

When I was younger, I would picture my future to parallel the Disney princesses’. I would meet my Prince Charming in a magical, romantic way and fall madly in love. We would live in a beautiful home surrounded by the classic white picket fence with a huge backyard for our kids and dogs to play. [...]

Get Smart about…Wait. What Diet?!

How many times do you criticize yourself in a day? Be honest... we all do it.  If I had a dime for every time I heard, “Ugh, I should not have just eaten that”, “I am so fat,” or “I am so mad that I couldn’t get to the gym today,” I would be one [...]