Well hello there my lovelies!
It’s that time of year again. The weather starts to slowly change, days get a little shorter, and Target and KMart start putting out their ridiculous back to school commercials.
But, we must be prepared! Because as slow as we all wished this summer would go, back to school time is right around the corner.
Now, I know this the general topic that I touch on in my column. I’m your go to beauty, and style girl here on GetSmart. But I’m also a 20 year old girl who is about to step into her junior year of college. I can’t believe how fast the years have gone. And now I feel like an old lady!
I’m here for you, though, lovelies. I’m here to give a little bit of advice. For any of you entering highschool, or college, this post goes out to you!
Here are some of my tricks to making this school year a success..
DO: Attend school events – I know some events, pep rallies, or games may seem silly at the time during the school year. Make the best of them! Grab your best friends, and enjoy the moments with them! I always thought I was way too cool in highschool to go to any of the dances, or rallies that our school would hold. I now look back and regret not going! These are moments you don’t get back, remember that, and keep it in the back of your mind!
DON’T: Gossip- One of the things that makes the school year hard for some is the fact that some people in this world thrive off of negative energy. Do not stoop to a level that would hurt someone else. We, as human beings, are no better than another. There is no reason to intentionally spread rumors that may have devastating effects on your fellow classmates.
DO: Be a nerd!- Focus on your studies. Whatever they may be. If you’re in a class that may seem “too hard” for you, take it as your own personal challenge! Challenge accepted! Use an agenda, and keep yourself organized. Take plenty of notes, so when it comes down to test time, you’re ready and prepared to take it on!
DON’T: Be someone you’re not!- It’s easy to see the person who is fighting for attention. Respect yourself, your body, and the people around you. I know the pressure to fit in is killer these years, but make sure you’re not fitting into a mold of others believe you should be. The only person you should be trying to impress is yourself.
I’m about to really sound like my mom. But sometimes, the repeated lectures about what to do and what not to do come to play.
Be safe, study hard, and have fun.
Make the most of every opportunity set before you.
Do not let little bumps in the path define your entire journey.
I hope you all have a fabulous school year, and I wish you all of the luck in the world.
Let us know how your first day was!
What did you wear?! Do me a favor, and instagram your first day of school outfit and hashtag it #getsmartschool, so I can see it!
I’m going to be posting some OOTD’s on my personal blog, so if that’s something you’d like to see, check it out in the upcoming weeks on kristenicolex.blogspot.com
If you have any requests for an upcoming post, let me know!
You can tweet me @KRISTENICOLEEEE, or leave it as a comment on this post!
Until next time!
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