
On Loving Yourself

In today’s media, people are constantly being barraged by various messages and images pertaining to the ‘perfect body,’ ‘summer body,’ ‘confidence weight,’ ‘the beautiful body type’ and countless other descriptions of the ‘ideal’ hairstyle, makeup, weight, height, skin color, eye color, face shape, curve proportion, clothing style and other methods of expression. Messages of ‘not good [...]

Get Smart and Stay You

“Today you are You, that is truer than true, There is no one alive who is Youer than You” – Dr. Seuss Seuss is right you know. Let’s take a moment to let that astounding thought resonate. Of the seven billion-some people on our lovely planet, each and every individual has their own parcel of [...]

A Rebel Against Society

Since coming to college, I’ve made many new friends. With these friendships comes all of the “get to know each other” questions. Examples of a few I’ve received the most often are: Where are you from? What’s your major? How many siblings do you have? What did you do in high school? What are your [...]

How to Support A Friend Experiencing Abuse

It is believed that one in every four women will experience domestic violence. These are tragic statistics, but I hope and believe one day those numbers will change for the better. This month is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, so let's take this time to delve into the issue. You or someone you know may experience [...]

Five Times Demi Lovato Taught us How to be Strong

Demi Lovato shows strength and confidence in much of what she does. As females of all ages, we can definitely learn a few lessons from her self-confidence, self-love and inner strength. Here are five times Demi Lovato has taught us about these all-too-important qualities:  When she released the newest girl power anthem: Demi Lovato’s newest [...]

Self Care for Superwomen

Get Smart Girls are many things: leaders, volunteers, students, mentors, daughters and sisters, friends and special someones. We are excellent in what we are called to do. We are strong, unwavering rocks of support for our loved ones. We are everyday superwomen, but it’s so easy to forget to turn those superpowers of love and [...]

Insecurities? Don’t Worry!

Insecurities. We all have them. It’s a completely normal thing. Especially in teenagers. I, being a freshman in high school, have many. Some very typical 15-year-old things, others not very common among people my age. But how do I deal with them? Answer—I don’t. (Okay, okay, that was a joke). Here are a few ways [...]

You’re Beautiful! A Get Smart Guide to Loving Yourself

There's a quote that I always used to read when I needed something to inspire me. A woman named Ilana Donna Arazie once said, "No one is ever going to love you more than you love yourself." I became a true believer of that quote. I wish a lot of young women would think the [...]