
Heartbreak’s Final Lesson: Completion!

I took a bit of a hiatus from heartbreak lesson series and then a friend asked me..."What happened to the heartbreak series...how does it END?" It occurred to me in that moment that my writing for the past several weeks has brought me to a beautiful place that is available for each and every person [...]

Introducing Kelly ~ Mentor for College Students

In today’s crazy world, sometimes you just need a place to gather your thoughts and get some down-to-earth advice and ideas from people who have been where you are. Not everyone has a consistent mentor or role model, so Get Smart is here to provide that support system we need as we go through the [...]

By |September 10th, 2013|College Students|0 Comments

College Freshman Tips 101

12 Tips for Incoming Freshmen Because classes are underway and you don’t have time to read that “Going to College” book you got for graduation.  1.     Get involved! This is the best and easiest way to meet new people. Check out your school’s bulletin boards, chalk ads on the sidewalks, and social media for information [...]

By |September 3rd, 2013|College Students, For Leaders & Mentors|0 Comments

Back to school! Do’s and Don’ts

Well hello there my lovelies! It's that time of year again. The weather starts to slowly change, days get a little shorter, and Target and KMart start putting out their ridiculous back to school commercials. But, we must be prepared! Because as slow as we all wished this summer would go, back to school time [...]

By |August 27th, 2013|College Students, For Teens|0 Comments

Getting Smart: Authenticity for Teens & College Students

Hi ladies! Is that little voice in your head JUDGING you over and over. That is so boring. Bump it up a notch and get smart and get EXTRAORDINARY with us! Our first guiding principle of what it means to GET SMART is to BE AUTHENTIC. We are really specific about what this means and [...]

Heartbroken Miracles Lesson 5: WORKOUT!

If I could tell you the single thing that has kept me going since last November it has been living next door to my gym. There is no excuse you can really come up with when you are a 5 minute walk or 60 second drive to the nearest fitness facility. A broken heart releases [...]

What does it mean to GET SMART?

Get Smart was born with the purpose of young women being able to fully actualize themselves and all of their potential. After spending 10 years working day in and day out with thousands of young women I saw what made them come alive, what developed them into the best version of themselves. As an educator [...]

A Case for the All-Women College Experience

“Our experiences influence the person we become.” What – NO GUYS? When the time came to reveal to my friends that I would be attending a small, private, Catholic women’s university, many of them made fun of me. They were confused as to why I wouldn’t want to experience the “traditional” college experience. My friends [...]

Heartbroken Miracles Lesson 2: CRY!

You did not misread this. The worst thing you can do when your heart has been broken is to pretend otherwise. Think of your heart like a delicate piece of beautifully blown glass. Who goes around pretending something that has been smashed is totally in tact? Healthy denial can help right in the beginning, but [...]

Be Your Own Best Friend: Help People See the Best In You By Seeing the Best In Yourself

One thing that I really enjoy doing is being able to introduce “new friends” to “old friends." It can be very exciting; to introduce people who you care about to each other and watch them hit it off. It is a great feeling to bring the people that you care about together, even if it’s [...]