Get Smart was born with the purpose of young women being able to fully actualize themselves and all of their potential.
After spending 10 years working day in and day out with thousands of young women I saw what made them come alive, what developed them into the best version of themselves. As an educator I had the unique opportunity to watch young women grow emotionally, intellectually, and socially. Many of my former students stayed in contact with me and I was able to see what they were accomplishing in the world.
I wasn’t teaching math or history (and yes these things are important – but equally important is all of the other people and life skills!). I was teaching all of the stuff that we don’t get in the classroom: compassion, service, responsible citizenship, study and organizational skills, and emotional intelligence. I saw first hand every day what made young women come alive, and what catapulted them to future success.
Get smart is being built by myself and over 20 of my former students from ages 17-26. They have dedicated their time and talent to giving to the world what we learned together. Marisa Kravatz, Get Smart Girl extraordinaire is actually not a former student, but I have known her since she was born! Her mother is actually one of my mentors. Marisa is a bright beacon of light inspiring the world with wisdom beyond her years. Here she shares our Get Smart Profile: the qualities we are shaping our programs and mission from:
A Get Smart Girl or Gal is AUTHENTIC, COMPASSIONATE, and a TRUE LEADER. Over the next few weeks we will share more about what each of these things means for us and for you! Check out Marisa as she redefines what it is to be a young woman in the 21st century!
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