
Head’s Up: Feminism Needs You!

Have you ever wondered why women are called “victims” of rape? Or why rape education seems to be targeted more toward women than men? Why is blue a stereotypically masculine color and pink, feminine? How can colors have genders? Why women are paid 77 cents while a man is paid a dollar for the same [...]

Light vs. Dark: A Twisted Beauty Standard

When I was in the seventh grade, I took a trip to India. It was a place of rich cultural contradiction, which I chose to take no part in; I was only twelve. Holed up in my Aji’s apartment watching the Disney channel, one day I saw an ad for Fair and Lovely cream, which [...]

Get Smart: “Like a Girl”

The Super Bowl has officially surpassed simply marking the end of the football season. One of the big takeaways this year for many people wasn’t what occurred on the field, but what occurred during the commercials. The Doritos and Bud Light commercials were still present, but there were also way more social justice movement commercials [...]

Get Smart with Caitlin on #GivingTuesday

It’s so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season that it becomes easy to forget what the season is all about: giving. Not just giving the perfect toy to a child, the best perfume to mom or the nicest tie to grandpa, but really taking time to figure [...]

Scared of Feminism? Get Smart Now!

“17.7 million American women have been the victim of attempted or completed rape in her lifetime.” ~ RAINN Women in Iran are protesting after eight women have had acid poured on them by men who did not see their wardrobe fit. ~ Washington Post White American women make on average 77 cents to every dollar [...]

Finding Fictional Heroines: A Get Smart Girl’s Guide

“Books are the plane, and the train, and the road. They are the destination, and the journey. They are home.” ~ Anna Quindlen In our modern era, it’s hard to find female role models that empower women, but also show them that part of being human means showing a range of emotions. Heroines can be [...]

Get Smart about Rape Culture: Speak Out against Violence

“You have to know what you stand for, not just what you stand against.” - Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson Our culture has become notably lackadaisical on its tolerant attitude toward rape. This considerably lax approach is a facilitating factor in issues ranging from sexual harassment to rape. Due to this unfortunate fault in judgment [...]

Get Smart about the #HeForShe Campaign

As a super-massive Harry Potter fan, I have been blown away by how Emma Watson, the actress that played Hermione in the book series' film adaptions, has grown. She's become an extremely intelligent and inspiring young woman, and has recently been named the UN Women Goodwill Ambassador. That's kind of a big deal. In her [...]

My Get Smart Internship Experience

Becoming involved with Get Smart was a random occurrence for me. I had never interned anywhere and this organization is based hundreds of miles away from where I live. I hoped I would be accepted, but I didn’t think too much of it. That is until I got the email that I had been officially [...]

Get Smart: Be Allies, Not Enemies

As women, we have enough to worry about on a daily basis without also worrying about being stabbed in the back by other women. Instead of trying to compete with each other and bringing each other down, we should be helping our fellow women to achieve their goals and boost their confidence. Having Each Other’s [...]