
Get Smart with Caitlin on #GivingTuesday

It’s so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season that it becomes easy to forget what the season is all about: giving. Not just giving the perfect toy to a child, the best perfume to mom or the nicest tie to grandpa, but really taking time to figure [...]

Get Smart with Diandra on #GivingTuesday

Without “giving,” the word “thanksgiving” would not be complete. With all of the great deals offered on days like Black Friday and Cyber Monday, a lot of people seem to forget that Thanksgiving is all about being grateful for what we already have. Enter #GivingTuesday: a day where you can give to your preferred organization [...]

Get Smart with Ashley on #GivingTuesday

There is one time a year where many of us sit down and truly think about what we are thankful for. For the other 364 days, we don’t usually make the time to be thankful for all that we have and the people in our lives. December 2nd is Giving Tuesday, a day where people [...]

Get Smart with Johanna on #GivingTuesday

On Tuesday, December 2nd, people around the world will be taking part in #GivingTuesday, a new tradition that can really make a difference. We’ve already dedicated a day to give thanks, and a day to get deals. Now, we have dedicated a day to GIVE BACK! The wonderful thing about Giving Tuesday is that anyone [...]

Get Smart with Devyn about #GivingTuesday

Think about a person who has encouraged you, inspired you, and motivated you when no one else did. Someone you look up to for guidance. Remember in elementary school when we gave teachers thank you gifts? It was in appreciation for their kindness, knowledge and for never giving up on their students. Think about Sundays [...]

Get Smart with Nicole on #GivingTuesday

Thanksgiving is a day of unity; It brings people together. It is one of the only days of the year most Americans get the day off to celebrate one's gifts and that does not factor in religion. I say most because some are preparing for Black Friday and Cyber Monday, two days that offer the [...]

Get Smart with Charlotte about #GivingTuesday

We show up to our favorite stores for Black Friday, we browse for good finds on Cyber Monday, but is there a moment when we step back and truly think of what we are thankful for this season? On Giving Tuesday, we are presented with the challenge of thinking for others. There are people, causes, [...]

By |November 30th, 2014|uncategorized|0 Comments

Get Smart with Shradha about #GivingTuesday

On one hand there is Black Friday, where we indulge in really crazy deals, sales and absolute chaos. Then there is Cyber Monday, where we are absorbed into the virtual world of discounts and sales. But now there is a new and much more rewarding event that has come our way–Giving Tuesday! For obvious reasons, [...]

8 Survival Secrets for College Freshman

  Transitioning from high school to college may be a dramatic change for those who are leaving home. The combination of a new school, different people, and the new-found freedom can be a bit overwhelming at times. Here are a few tips to help you survive freshman year: 1. The friends you make freshman year [...]

By |November 25th, 2014|College Students, For Teens|0 Comments

Get Smart about Anxiety and Depression

“In light there is darkness, and in darkness there is light.” ~ Beautiful Chaos When I was younger, I never thought that depression or anxiety would become a part of my life. I thought that I had a good life, which is still true, but I never foresaw having anxiety attacks or becoming depressed. At [...]